This 10-Exercise 20-Minute Routine Will Help You Get Rid Of Your Back And Arm Fat

Nov 20, 2018 by apost team

People have a habit of working out areas that can be seen in a mirror. This is why legs, abs, and chest are the most popular muscle groups to work out. Unfortunately, this leaves the back and arm areas neglected. There is nothing worse than trying on a new dress or shirt and realizing that the fat rolls on your back and arms stick out.

As mirrors don't show highlight these areas, people are more prone to neglect them. Here are 10 exercises that can help you get rid of stubborn back and armpit fat in 20 minutes.

1. Jump Rope

It's a great idea to start every workout with a full-body warmup. Jumping rope isn't only for the playground in grade school. This exercise is great at elevating your heart rate and burning fat throughout the body. Perform this exercise for two minutes before the rest of the routine. Don't forget to move only your wrists.

2. Jab Cross with Dumbbells

Boxing is a great exercise that can be replicated with dumbbells in the gym or at home. Hold light weights in each hand and stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend both knees, and turn towards the right as your right arm punches across. Come back to the beginning position, and repeat the same movement with the other side of your body.

3. Chest Press with Legs Extended

Start this exercise laying face-up on a mat. Keep your legs bent at a 90-degree angle with feet off of the floor. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, extend your arms towards the ceiling. Lift your shoulders off of the ground, and extend your legs so they are perpendicular with the floor.

4. Upright Row

Stand straight while holding a barbell in front of your body. Allow both of your hands to extend towards the floor. Slowly raise each arm upwards, and allow your elbows to move out to each side. Raise the barbell until your sternum, and return to the beginning position. Perform this movement for 60 seconds for three different sets.

5. Swiss Ball Chest Press

This exercise complicates the standard chest press by adding a stability ball. Rest the middle of your back on a Swiss ball, and extend both arms outwards towards the ground. Bring the dumbbells back overhead, and hold for a second. Perform this same motion for 60 seconds and repeat for three full sets.

6. Push-ups

Start this exercise laying on the floor facing the ground. Place your toes and hands on the floor for support. Slowly raise your body in the air by extending your arms completely. Pause for a second at the top, and slowly return to the starting position. Perform this exercise for 45 seconds and repeat it for three total sets.

7. Curtsy Lunge with Side-Kick Raise

Starting from a standing position, bring your right leg behind your left leg and lunge forward. Push through the ground in order to stand up again. During this motion, kick your right leg to the side. Simultaneously, raise your right hand to shoulder-height.

8. Plank Rotation

Start this movement in a standard plank position with knees off of the ground and arms fully extended. Raise your right hand off of the ground, and point it towards the ceiling. Repeat this same movement for the other side of your body.

9. Superman Hold

Begin this exercise laying facedown on the ground. Slowly raise your legs and hands off of the ground while keeping your stomach on the floor. Hold this position for 20 seconds and then repeat.

Finish off this routine with back stretching to loosen up the muscles and prevent possible injuries.

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