About Us

Founded in 2016, apost.com is a news, media and entertainment website with the mission to make you smile. We bring you heartwarming and uplifting stories and news from around the globe with the hopes they will make you laugh, smile, or shed tears of joy. Our content is family-friendly. Our experienced editorial team adheres to the highest standards of accuracy and quality. apost.com has more than 12 million weekly active users on average (as of Jan - May 2020).

Our Staff

Steffen Doersam, Editorial Advisor, Co-Founder and Managing Director of social sweethearts GmbH, the publisher of apost.com. Steffen studied Journalism (Diploma) at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany.

The Editorial Team of apost.com

The internet today has become overrun with a torrent of free-flowing information. We want to give you value for the time you spend on the internet. To do that, we make sure to collect and produce the most exciting content on the web, including trending news, celebrity updates, mouth-watering recipes, inspiring stories, new music, and adorable animal and human interest features.

Our mission?

Given that the web is overflowing with content, apost.com has a particular mission that sets itself apart from most news sources and content creators. At the end of the day, we want our readers to leave the internet feeling better-informed, inspired, and excited about the world. That means making you laugh and smile while also focusing on fascinating stories and news that will spark your curiosity. Animals lovers will find interesting, fact-filled stories about mind-blowing interspecies friendships whereas fans of country music will hear about Blake Shelton’s newest track along with nostalgic stories about older hits.

Our writing style?

We approach our writing in the same way that we approach our content. We want it to be fun, playful, and interesting while also being informative and backed-up by facts. We approach our writing with a level of enthusiasm that makes reading our articles fun and easy.

Guidelines and Ethics

At apost.com, we strive to produce uplifting content while upholding the tenets of journalistic ethics and integrity. In order to deliver on that goal, we’ve taken inspiration from the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics and have hired a robust, experienced team of editors and fact-checkers who work to make sure every story is accurate and verified. We gather and present information responsibly We’ve also implemented a host of our own guidelines for our team to ensure each and every story is vetted for publication. Some of those guidelines include:

We at apost.com always welcome feedback. Whether we got something wrong or if you have questions, we would like to know. As a website that continues to grow, we strive for journalistic excellence and are working every day to improve our content. To get in touch, e.g. to suggest corrections or to provide topic ideas, please click here

Our job openings can be found here