Prins Louis upptåg stjäl återigen showen under kung Charles kröning

Maj 08, 2023

Kungafamiljen har varit i rubrikerna i årtionden. Efter prinsessan Dianas tragiska bortgång 1997 fortsatte världen att ägna stor uppmärksamhet åt de kungliga. Prinsessan Diana lämnade efter sig två söner, prins William och prins Harry. Prins William träffade sin fru Kate Middleton, numera prinsessan Catherine, och de har nu tre vackra barn. Först fick paret prins George, följt av prinsessan Charlotte och senast prins Louie.

Louis föddes den 23 april 2018 på samma sjukhus som William föddes på, London's St Mary's hospital. Prinsen, som kom fram omkring klockan 11 på morgonen, vägde friska 3,5 kilo. Förutom att vara den yngsta i Cambridge-truppen är Louis speciell på andra sätt också.

Louis är en ovanlig utmanare till titeln hertig av Edinburgh, eftersom den avlidne prins Philip särskilt ville att hans yngste son prins Edward skulle ärva titeln, enligt Daily Mail. Faktum är att det före prins Edwards giftermål med sin hustru officiellt sades att prinsen, som saknade kungligt hertigdöme eller annan titel, skulle ärva sin fars när prins Philip hade gått bort.

Louis är bara den fjärde i raden för tronen, föregången av pappa William och syskonen prins George och prinsessan Charlotte. Intressant nog var Louis den första manliga arvingen som inte skulle föregå sin storasyster i den kungliga tronföljden.

Eftersom prins Louis är familjens baby är han en favorit bland de kungliga. Den unge kungen har stulit hjärtan sedan han föddes, men i takt med att han växer upp har han verkligen stulit showen från sina äldre syskon. Exempel på detta är hans fräcka upptåg under den avlidna drottning Elizabeths platinajubileum i juni 2022 och hans mer aktuella upptåg under kung Charles kröning.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis (2020), (Comic Relief/BBC Children in Need/Comic Relief via Getty Images)

Being an active member of the royal family comes with plenty of responsibilities, so it can be hard for royals to make time for themselves and their passions. Fortunately for the Wales children, Prince William and Kate Middleton have always made sure that Prince GeorgePrincess Charlotte and Prince Louis have time to engage in all of their favorite activities and further develop their hobbies.

As time goes on, many of the interests of the royal family members become public knowledge, such as the type of music they enjoy listening to – for William, his favorite is rock – as well as other aspects of their everyday lives. The general public also gets to learn more about how royal parents raise their little princes and princesses.

Raising children is never an easy feat, but William and Kate have always done it with grace. And while their kids may not always be the best behaved, they are incredibly adorable to watch, especially as they grow older and show more of their personalities.

As the baby of his family, Prince Louis is a fan favorite among the royals. Not only is he a darling little boy, but he is also one of the world's favorite royal family members, as his cheeky personality has come out in full force in the last couple of years. 

From his public appearances, it's clear to see that Prince Louis is the charmer of the iconic family. Louis’ birth was a monumental occasion, celebrated not only by the Wales household but the rest of the royal family and even their home country.

Prince George, Kate Middleton, Prince Louis, Prince William, Princess Charlotte (2022), (Jonathan Brady - Pool via Getty Images)

According to Royal UK, parents William and Kate made sure to include their two eldest children in welcoming their third child. George and Charlotte visited Louis on the very day he was born.

A few days later, on April 27, 2018, the Prince and Princess of Wales announced that they had agreed upon a name for their youngest prince, naming him Louis Arthur Charles. According to Royal UK, his formal name is His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge. He is now regarded as Prince Louis of Wales. Louis’ birth was registered just a few days later, and William and Kate quickly began releasing photographs of their youngest child.

In July that same year, the Prince and Princess of Wales had their son, Louis, baptized at the Chapel Royal at St. James’s Palace – a tradition that many families in the royal family have followed for generations.

Looking at the interactions between the members of the Wales family, it’s easy to see that William and Kate really do care for their children. This is especially seen through their positive body language.

Patti Wood, who has both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in Body Language and Nonverbal Communication, has analyzed the royal family before, and she talked with Insider about her discoveries in June 2019. She first explained William and Kate have exemplified positive body language over the years, from showing relaxation around one another to smiling happily with each other. At times, they have shown that they are “clearly confident and relaxed in the relationship.”

Prince Louis, Prince William (2019), (Max Mumby/Indigo via Getty Images)

When looking at their interactions with Louis when he was born in April 2018, Wood explained how the royal couple still showed a great desire for one another. In a photograph taken on the steps outside St. Mary’s Hospital, Wood noted how William and Kate were “looking at the baby, but not leaning in as a couple,” leading to a “desire to get closer” to each other.

When speaking with Good Housekeeping in January 2018, body language expert Blanca Cobb talked about how the couple’s body language was proof that they are indeed the backbone of their family. “Overall, their attentive body language indicates that they’re in tune to their children’s emotional needs,” she said

Dr. Amanda Gummer, a child development expert and psychologist, also chimed in and told Express UK that Kate's parenting style is "powerful."It’s lovely to see the Duchess demonstrate some really powerful parenting techniques," Dr. Gummer said, adding, "(For example) a focus on playfulness and meeting the children where they are at, getting down to their level and meeting their gaze when talking to them." 

Dr. Gummer also added that Kate appeared to be well-equipped to deal with the stress that comes with being a parent to children that grow up in the public eye. "It can be a real challenge for families growing up in the public eye to manage children’s natural behavior," the expert said, adding, "The Duchess seems to be navigating that road well."

It’s also clear that Kate and William enjoy being parents and being around their cute kids. “Both Prince William and Kate are all smiles while interacting with their children, letting us know how much they enjoy being parents,” Cobb told Good Housekeeping.

Kate Middleton, Prince Louis (2019), (Max Mumby/Indigo via Getty Images)

Wood had a similar analysis and especially noted how the parents have been shown to lean down to get to eye level with their kids, creating an intimate moment between the family and away from outside influences. “This behavior shows that their children are their primary focus, regardless of how many cameras are in their face,” Wood said.

Although both parents have shown positive and kind body language to each other and to their children, they showcase their love and affection in different ways. Looking more closely at how the family acts around each other, it’s apparent that William has acted as a protector with his children, specifically with his eldest son George. “William is letting his son determine how much he needs him,” Wood said. On the other hand, Kate has shown her affection for her son in a different way. “Rubbing George’s hair is not only a means of care-taking, but also a way for Kate to protect him from the cameras,” Wood added.

Growing up in such a loving household seems to have given Louis the space to fully express himself, and let us say he is quite hilarious. Aside from being a main attraction of events from his fun and spunky personality, Louis is growing up to be a fun, handsome, and go-getter of a young child.

Children grow up quickly, but photographs allow everyone to relive moments bygone. The Prince and Princess of Wales have therefore taken to capturing their children’s lives in photographs over the years. As a result, there exist a number of cute and adorable pictures of their children that chronicle their growth. 

Prince Louis, Kate Middleton, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, Prince William (2022), (Aaron Chown - WPA Pool via Getty Images)

For Louis’ 4th birthday in 2022, photos of him playing on the beach were released. Taken by his mother, who photographs all of the Wales children for their birthday portraits, the images depicted Louis as he’d grown into a young boy.

A picture is worth a thousand words, but live-action antics tell a much more detailed story! It was during 2022’s Trooping the Colour, which took place in June during the late Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebration that Louis made an even bigger impression on the public. The young royal first went viral for his reaction during Trooping the Colour. He happily waved at the crowd for one moment before he began to pull funny faces at everyone below. 

When the RAF flypast took place, Louis’ mood seemed to have changed quickly as he put his hands over his ears and appeared to let out a yell. Surrounded by his mother and grandmother, Louis wasn’t the only child to cover his ears, as Princess Charlotte did too. Nevertheless, he stole the show that day, despite crowds being delighted to see the queen during her big celebration. The internet made no secret of their love for Louis’ antics, but he certainly wasn’t done. He topped his own high jinks later in the weekend when he went viral once again for his reactions during the pageant. The public reacted with a lot of love for Louis, as they joked about how he embodied all of the emotions one can feel in such a short span of time.

Prince William, Prince of Wales, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh (2023), (Yui Mok - WPA Pool/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

Barn växer upp snabbt, men fotografier gör det möjligt för alla att återuppleva stunder som varit. Prinsen och prinsessan av Wales har därför tagit fasta på att fotografera sina barns liv genom åren. Därför finns det ett antal söta och förtjusande bilder på deras barn som visar hur de växer upp. I samband med Louis fyraårsdag 2022 släpptes bilder på honom när han lekte på stranden. Bilderna togs av hans mamma, som fotograferar alla Wales barn för deras födelsedagsporträtt, och de skildrade Louis när han hade vuxit upp till en liten pojke.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord, men levande animationer berättar en mycket mer detaljerad historia! Det var under 2022 års "Trooping the Colour", som ägde rum i juni under den avlidna drottning Elizabeths platinajubileum, som Louis gjorde ett ännu större intryck på allmänheten. Den unge kungen blev först viral för sin reaktion under Trooping the Colour. Han vinkade glatt till publiken i en stund innan han började dra roliga miner mot alla nedanför.

När RAF:s flyguppvisning ägde rum verkade Louis humör ha förändrats snabbt, eftersom han satte händerna för öronen och verkade skrika ut ett skrik. Omgiven av sin mamma och mormor var Louis inte det enda barnet som höll för sina öron, eftersom prinsessan Charlotte också gjorde det. Ändå stal han showen den dagen, trots att folkmassorna var förtjusta över att se drottningen under hennes stora firande. Internet gjorde ingen hemlighet av sin kärlek till Louis upptåg, men han var verkligen inte färdig. Han överträffade sina egna upptåg senare under helgen när han återigen blev viral för sina reaktioner under tävlingen. Allmänheten reagerade med mycket kärlek till Louis och skämtade om hur han förkroppsligade alla känslor man kan känna på så kort tid.

Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh, Princess Charlotte, Prince Louis, Catherine, Princess of Wales and Prince William, Prince of Wales (2023), (Leon Neal/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

Den 6 juni 2022 var det dags för Platinum Jubilee Pageant. Kungafamiljen och många andra framstående gäster, inklusive premiärminister Boris Johnson, satt på läktarplatserna, eftersom de hade bäst utsikt över alla. Louis släkting Mike Tindall - som är gift med prins Williams kusin Zara Tindall, född Phillips - kan till och med ha förutspått att den unge kungen skulle komma tillbaka med fler roliga miner, eftersom han fotograferades när han lätt humoristiskt visade Louis att han skulle hålla ett öga på honom.

Det verkar som om inte ens en välvillig varning från hans släkting kunde hindra Louis från att göra ännu en uppvisning - den här gången ännu större än den förra! Under tävlingen hade Louis en hel rad olika känslor i ansiktet, från tristess och ointresse till att fräckt jävlas med sin mamma.

Det är därför inte konstigt att kung Karls kröning den 6 maj 2023 innebar en ny serie fräcka upptåg från Louis. Man kan inte klandra den lille killen, eftersom den timslånga ceremonin verkligen var en tuff tillställning att klara av, även om det var för vuxna! Man kan knappast förvänta sig att barn i Ludvigs ålder bara ska sitta tyst i timmar och timmar. Så det är egentligen ingen överraskning att det under kröningen förekom en del kungligt missförhållande, även om de kungliga barnen i stort sett var välskötta.

Det började med att Ludvig tittade runt i klostret där ceremonin ägde rum, och vem kan klandra honom för att han var nyfiken på de festliga dekorationerna och de andra gästerna? Under större delen av ceremonin satt gästerna ner och Louis gjorde ett beundransvärt jobb och drog bara några få grimaser innan en rejäl gäspning rakt in i kameran klargjorde att den lille kungligheten trots allt bara var en vanlig femåring. Han fick en sträng kommentar av sin mamma prinsessan Catherine när han började prata med sin syster prinsessan Charlotte, men under det sedvanliga besöket på balkongen efter ceremonin var Catherine mycket mer förlåtande. När Louis fortsatte att skämta och högljutt kommentera förhandlingarna var till och med hon tvungen att le.

Catherine, Princess of Wales, Prince Louis (2023), (Leon Neal/Getty Images Entertainment via Getty Images)

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