Мужчина отчитывает провинившегося пса, но не может сдержать смех, глядя на его реакцию

Июн 20, 2020

Итальянец Антонио Гранай решил отчитать за проступок своего пса по кличке Этор, но не смог сдержать смеха, когда тот с виноватым видом начал "извиняться".

Всякому любителю собак знакома эта тактика — нашкодивший любимец вдруг делает большие щенячьи глаза, прекрасно понимая, что где-то набедокурил. Один взгляд на морду проказника в этот момент тут же заставляет его простить. В этом ролике подобную тактику против своего хозяина, Антонио Граная, с успехом применил пёс по имени Этор.

The man is Italian, but his words have been translated in the video. Antonio is scolding his dog for doing something wrong. It is not clear in the video what the dog has done, but the guilty expression on its face is enough to prove that there was indeed something.

As Ettore is scolded, the dog buries his face in Antonio's chest. When Antonio asks, "Are you asking for forgiveness?", the dog crawls on his lap, looks him in the eyes, and pushes further into his chest.


Antonio is a tough one to meltdown and keeps on asking Ettore if he understands what he has done wrong. Although Antonio is strict, in the end, he is able to forgive his dog, and the two hug each other. Dogs are very cute when they seek forgiveness. But still, do dogs really feel remorse when they have done something wrong, or is it just us attributing human-like qualities to them?

Cesar Millan, a famous dog expert, shares that there is evidence that animals experience basic and secondary emotions such as pride, guilt, and jealousy although these emotions seem to require greater mental capacity than most creatures possess.

According to him, the moment that an animal looks guilty and makes doggy expressions is just a form of submissiveness. Although the dog does not understand what it has done wrong, it knows that you are mad at them.

The dog knows that if it looks meek and submissive, the owner will feel like they understand that they are in charge and the dog would do anything to obey. The video shows a dog that clearly knows it has done something wrong and wants to make up with its owner.

Most people are cracking up at this video! What about you? Let us know in the comments and pass this article along to your friends and family to give them something to laugh about!