Le fils de Mel Gibson, Milo, a hérité de l'apparence et des talents d'acteur de son père

Nov 10, 2020 by apost team

Mel Gibson est sous les feux de la rampe depuis des décennies, alors que son fils adulte Milo Gibson n'est arrivé que récemment sur le devant de la scène. En effet, Milo a connu une enfance normale et a même entamé sa vie d'adulte en exerçant un emploi régulier avant de se tourner vers le théâtre. Maintenant qu'il a grandi et qu'il suit les traces de son père, on ne peut plus les distinguer !

Mel Gibson (1983), (Photo by Bertrand LAFORET/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images)

Un homme de premier plan depuis les années 1980, Mel Gibson est non seulement un acteur de renommé, de de films tels que Mad Max, Braveheart, The Patriot, et Ce que veulent les femmes, il est aussi un réalisateur accompli, ayant réalisé des films comme Braveheart, The Passion of the Christ, et Apocalypto.

Il est aussi un père de famille avec 9 enfants, de trois relations. Un de ses enfants, nommé Milo Gibson, a suivi les traces de son père et se lance à présent à l'assaut d'Hollywood ! Milo, qui a 30 ans cette année, est le fils de Mel et de sa première femme, Robyn Moore. Il est né le 16 novembre 1990 en Australie, mais il a été élevé aux États-Unis, le contraire de son célèbre père, qui est né le 3 janvier 1956 aux Etats-Unis mais qui a été élevé en Australie !


Mel Gibson (1987), (Pool DUCLOS/PELLETIER/Gamma-Rapho/Getty Images)

But before we meet Milo Gibson, let's go back to the beginning. Born in the U.S., specifically Peekskill, New York, Mel Gibson was the sixth of 11 children to parents Hutton Gibson and Anne Patricia. His father was a writer and would go on to be a "Jeopardy!" grand champion in 1968. After Hutton Gibson was awarded a large payout in a work-related injury lawsuit in 1968, the family relocated to Sydney, Australia. The move wasn't completely random — Mel Gibson's paternal grandmother was opera singer Eva Mylott, who had been born there, although her family background was Irish.

Robyn Moore Gibson, Mel Gibson (1990), (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

It was in Australia that Mel Gibson got his acting start, studying at the prestigious National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA). Training mostly in the British theater-tradition, he acted in many plays, but upon graduating in 1977, Mel Gibson was immediately cast in the film "Mad Max." While the movie would go on to incredible fame later on, in the meantime Mel Gibson eschewed further movie work in order to work as an actor in the theater in Adelaide for a season.

It was while living there that he met his first wife Robyn Moore Gibson. The couple would go on to be together for decades, marrying in 1980 and having their first child together that year. They had seven children in total but their relationship ended in divorce in 2011, with Robyn Moore Gibson entitled to half of her former husband's $850 million fortune.

Mel Gibson (1987), (Aaron Rapoport/Corbis/Getty Images)

Meanwhile, back in the early '80s after Mel Gibson had begun to work in the Australian film and theater industry, he continued shooting movies and his career only continued to grow after he appeared in films such as "Gallipoli," "The Year of Living Dangerously" and two "Mad Max" sequels — "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior" and "Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome." It was around this point in the mid-'80s that he and his wife packed up their belongings and moved to Hollywood. But unlike other hopefuls who are often unlucky in a new land, Mel Gibson's career only continued to climb. It was around this time that critics began to draw comparisons between Mel Gibson and other famous actors of the past including Steve McQueen, Cary Grant, Sean Connery, Robert Redford and even "a combination of Clark Gable and Humphrey Bogart." Needless to say, he had piqued the interest of film reviewers and audiences alike.

After a few movies in Hollywood, he landed the role of Martin Riggs in "Lethal Weapon," which only cemented his leading man status in Hollywood. A sequel, "Lethal Weapon 2," followed, as well as many other movies. By the 1990s, Mel Gibson was one of Hollywood's leading men and it was around this time that he began to focus on directing as well as acting.

Mel Gibson (1995), (Photo by Ron Galella/Ron Galella Collection via Getty Images)

But while Mel Gibson was on top of the world in his career, his personal life was flourishing too. He and Robyn Moore Gibson had already had a number of children including their eldest child Hannah Gibson, who was born in 1980, Christian Gibson, born in 1982, twins Edward and William Gibson in 1985, Louie Gibson in 1988, and Milo Gibson in 1990. The couple would go on to have one more child together, a son named Thomas Gibson, who was born a number of years after Milo Gibson. 

Interestingly, Mel Gibson's passion for the entertainment industry has been passed on to more than just his son Milo Gibson. Although Hannah Gibson didn't choose to pursue a career in acting like her famous father, she did follow him into show business, working as a makeup artist on his film "What Women Want." Like his older sister, Christian Gibson also chose to work in the industry, however not in front of the lens but behind it. He works as a camera operator and has even worked on his dad's movies "Hacksaw Ridge" and "Daddy's Home 2."

Twins Edward and William Gibson have bucked the family trend, however, choosing to live their lives outside of the spotlight. Louis Gibson is another one of Mel and Robyn Moore Gibson's kids who have followed their famous father into his line of work. He also prefers to stay behind the camera and has co-written and co-directed the 2017 movie "Happy Hunting." Then there's Milo Gibson, who's perhaps the most famous of his siblings. He starred with his dad in "Hacksaw Ridge" and is set to appear in "Manifest West" — which is co-directed by none other than his brother Louie Gibson! Lastly, there's Thomas Gibson, who just graduated from college in 2017, but his career aspirations — whether he'll follow his family's lineage into Hollywood or choose a more private life — are not yet known.

Oksana Grigorieva, Mel Gibson (2009), (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

But the new millennium also brought a lot of change to Mel Gibson's life, both professionally and personally. After dominating the '90s and early '00s in Hollywood, Mel Gibson's work naturally slowed down, but a series of controversial incidents got him dropped by his talent agency and his projects were put on hold. It was also around this time that he and his wife divorced, leading to what is considered the most expensive divorce in Hollywood history.

While his first marriage was undergoing divorce proceedings, Mel Gibson began dating Russian pianist Oksana Grigorieva, with whom he had his eighth child, Lucia Gibson, who was born in 2009. However, the relationship was not meant to be and didn't last long, while it was mired in messy allegations that only brought about more controversy to Mel Gibson's life.

Then in 2014, Mel Gibson's luck began to turn around as he met his current partner and former equestrian, Rosalind Ross. The couple welcomed a daughter in 2017 named Lars Gibson, the actor's ninth child, and the couple is still going strong. It was also around this time that his career began to get back on track, as he appeared in "The Expendables 3" opposite Sylvester Stallone and in 2016 released "Hacksaw Ridge" to great acclaim.

Rosalind Ross, Mel Gibson (2017), (Photo by George Pimentel/FilmMagic)

Finally appearing settled after years of turbulence in his personal and professional life, Mel Gibson was asked about his relationship with Rosalind Ross and their 34-year age gap. Speaking to The Mirror, he said:

“Regarding age and relationships, it’s just a number. We dig each other. She is an adult and we dig each other. It might cause a problem and one has a trepidation about these things, but it’s working out great. She is a really special person. I dig her. So there you go. That’s it. What more can one ask?”

The proud dad of nine children has even found time to make jokes about how many offspring he's had. Upon welcoming his ninth kid into the world, he joked to Entertainment Tonight about having more kids than Clint Eastwood, who's equally known for his large family. He said:

“I was talking to Clint the other day. I said, ‘How many kids you got?’ He said, ‘Eight.’ So I’m beating him.”

Mel Gibson (2017), (Photo by Gregg DeGuire/WireImage)

Milo a hérité du charme de son père, et leur ressemblance est assez troublante. Il a fait ses débuts d'acteur dans le film Hacksaw Ridge, qui se trouve être réalisé par son père Mel. Il a déclaré à Entertainment Tonight dans un entretien :

« C'était vraiment amusant de travailler avec lui. C'était une relation très acteur-réalisateur».

Il a depuis joué des rôles dans Gangster Land, dans le rôle du patron du crime Al Capone, All the Devil's Men, et a même eu un rôle majeur dans le film Hurricane.

Même s'il travaille maintenant dans l'entreprise familiale, Milo ne voulait pas être acteur au début et a choisi des chemins de carrière assez inhabituels pour devenir un acteur principal à Hollywood.

Mel Gibson (2017), (Photo by John Phillips/Getty Images)

Dans la même entrevue avec Entertainment Tonight, Milo a expliqué qu'après avoir terminé ses études secondaires, il est devenu massothérapeute pendant deux ans, une profession qui n'est pas l'une des plus prestigieuses mais qui est sans doute utile. Ensuite, il a changé de carrière pour quelque chose d'encore plus inattendu : Milo a exercé le métier d'électricien pendant cinq ans ! Il a trouvé cela très amusant, mais ce n'était pas quelque chose qu'il voulait faire pour le reste de sa vie, d'où le passage au métier d'acteur, finalement.

Dans une interview avec The Hollywood Reporter, Milo a parlé de son passage d'électricien à acteur, et de son souhait de devenir acteur en grandissant :

« Je pense que quand mon frère Louis et moi étions enfants et qui est réalisateur maintenant, nous faisions tout le temps des vidéos à la maison et j'étais l'acteur et lui le réalisateur. C'est donc à ce moment-là que tout a commencé, mais ensuite je me suis éloigné de cela. Ce n'était pas quelque chose qui m'a toujours préoccupé. Je pensais que je voulais essayer d'autres choses qui m'intéressaient. Mon père ne m'a jamais poussé à le faire. »

Milo a continué en soulignant que le fait de vouloir vivre sans regrets avait influencé sa décision :

« Mais c'était vraiment quelque chose qui me trottait dans la tête, comme peut-être quelque chose que j'aimerais faire [un jour]. Et un jour, j'étais un peu comme, vous savez, je ne veux pas avoir 60 ans et regretter de ne pas y aller. Je pense que beaucoup de gens regrettent des choses dans la vie et je ne voulais pas être l'une de ces personnes ».

Milo Gibson (2018), (Photo by Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images)

Quel CV impressionnant ! Il peut filmer des scènes d'action, puis rentrer à la maison, réparer les lumières et faire un massage. Quel bateau de rêve ! En tout cas, le fait que Milo entre dans l'industrie en tant qu'adulte mature jouera sans aucun doute en sa faveur. Nous assisterons probablement au passage d'un acteur dans cette famille, et à ce jour, Milo semble savoir ce qu'il veut vraiment faire dans la vie, c'est-à-dire agir. Nous avons hâte de le voir dans d'autres films, et qui sait, peut-être qu'un jour il suivra les traces de son père et il réalisera même des films. Peut-être aurons-nous même la chance de voir les rôles inversés et Milo diriger Mel !

Quoi que Milo décide de faire, nous devons être patients et voir ce que l'acteur de 30 ans fera à l'avenir. Pour autant que nous sachions, il pourrait redevenir massothérapeute ou électricien. Ou peut-être qu'il se mettra à réaliser comme son père. En tout cas, il est clair que c'est un jeune homme talentueux qui mérite d'être regardé à l'avenir, même s'il ne devient pas une superstar d'Hollywood.

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Milo Gibson, Mel Gibson (2016), (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

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