"Your Exact Twin ": Donny Osmond Realized His Son Chris Looks Just Like Him And Fans Totally Agree

Aug 02, 2019 by apost team

Parents often hope that their children will look somewhat like them, with moms and dads quick to point out characteristics that they think appear like their own. Generally, parents have to be satisfied with a nose that looks like dad’s and eyes that look like mom’s; however, this isn’t always the case. In some rare situations, parents find that their children look so much like them that it almost seems like an exact replica!

This is just what Donny Osmond has discovered with his son, Chris.

Recently, Chris was looking at a picture of his dad in his younger years on an album cover and, for a split second, he thought it was himself! Sure enough, the image is a dead-ringer for young Chris, stunning us at just how much he looks like his father.


Donny snapped a quick picture of Chris holding the album cover up next to his own face and posted it on Instagram, asking fans for their thoughts on the similarities. Donny couldn’t be disappointed with the outcome, with fans quick to write in and comment about how much Chris looks just like his dad. Some of the commenters called Chris his father’s “twin” while another one said that Chris is his “clone”.

As the proud father of five children, Donny has had a busy family life and is now enjoying ten grandchildren as well! While all of Donny’s sons are handsome, it truly is amazing to find one that looks just like his dad. We are sure that Donny is thrilled to realize that Chris is his mirror-image and probably glad to see himself reflected back in a younger face.

Chris is currently a voice actor; however, some people are suggesting that he come out and start doing something that will showcase his handsome face. It surely is a shame for the world not to get to enjoy a young clone of Donny all over again.

What do you think of Chris Osmond? Do you think that he is the spitting image of his father in his younger years, or can you not see the similarities? Leave your thoughts in the comments and be sure to invite your friends to weigh in as well.