Your Body Will Show You These 10 Important Signs If It Is Too Stressed

Nov 15, 2018 by apost team

In our fast-paced world, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed. Your body may react very negatively to an overload of stress. Understanding warning signs that your body is too stressed will help you know when it is time to make some changes.

1. Fluctuating Weight

Losing or gaining a lot of weight can happen when you are overly stressed. The study, Impact of stress on metabolism and energy balance by Cristina Rabasa and Suzanne L Dickson, concluded that stress could impact the energy balance in many different ways and at various levels.

For example, turning to comfort foods can cause you to put on the pounds. This is due to an excess amount of the stress hormone cortisol. On the other hand, you may be too stressed out to eat at times. This is due to having too much anxiety.

2. Gastrointestinal Problems

A group of researchers examined the role of stress in functional gastrointestinal disorders in this study, published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information. Constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome are just a few of the many problems that you may face when you are dealing with too much stress.

If medicines aren’t helping your GI problems, you may need to address the anxiety that Is most likely causing these issues.

3. Insomnia

Tossing and turning at night can be due to you have way too much on your mind. The study, Stress and Sleep Disorder, published by Kuem Sun Han, Lin Kim, and Insop Shim in The National Center for Biotechnology Information, concluded that if you are too stressed, insomnia might be something that you are dealing with.

Poor sleeping patterns will only add to your stress. It can be a good idea to meet with a sleep specialist to find a better way to manage your insomnia.

4. Skin Problems

When you are overly stressed, it can be easy to break out with acne. A study by a group of researchers at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University (LKSOM) and Temple University found that there is a direct correlation between increased levels of psychological stress and skin problems, like shingles and psoriasis.

5. You Often Get Sick With Cold

A research team led by Sheldon Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University has found that Stress can be linked to lowered immune systems. If you are getting sick too often, it might not be only due to the cold weather outside. Consider eliminating the things in your life that are stressing you out to live a much healthier life.

6. Constant Headaches And Migraines

The study, Stress and Primary Headache: Review of the Research and Clinical Management, published by a group of researchers in The National Center for Biotechnology Information examined the role of stress in causing headaches. The study further concluded that daily headaches could be caused by stressing out too much.

Not eating right, bad sleeping patterns and overexertion are all elements of a stressful life that could be causing headaches or even debilitating migraines. Destressing your life could help you greatly with your constant headaches. 

The review also suggested that even though some researchers have argued whether stress can trigger headaches, the overall result is still supportive of such a connection.

7. Heart Problems

According to the study, Psychological Stress and Cardiovascular Disease by  Joel E. Dimsdale, MD, University of California, a cardiovascular disease could be linked to poverty, problems at work, relationship problems, and overall stress.

It is important to manage your stress to preserve one of the most important organs in your body, your heart.

8. Hair Loss

There’s nothing quite like seeing a giant clump of your hair in the shower drain or on your hairbrush. The study, Probing the Effects of Stress Mediators on the Human Hair Follicle, published by a group of researchers in The National Center for Biotechnology Information has linked stress to hair loss and eventual baldness.

If you want to keep your flowing locks, you need to stop stressing so much.

9. Lack Of Concentration

The study, Executive function, and attention in patients with stress-related exhaustion: perceived fatigue and effect of distraction, published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information, tentatively concluded that patients with stress-related issues showed increased fatigue during cognitive tasks.

When you have major issues that are causing you stress, it is hard to focus on your daily tasks.  If you feel like you are falling behind at work because you can’t concentrate, try to eliminate some of the bigger stressors in your life.

10. Diminishing Sex Drive

This study published by a group of researchers in The National Center for Biotechnology Information examined the impact of stress on the response to sexual Stimuli. 

One of the last things on your mind when you are stressed is sex. This can be an issue in intimate relationships and can put a serious halt to any plans of starting a family. If you feel like your sex drive is low, you could just be too stressed.

Talk to your partner about this issue and let them know it’s not their fault. If the two of you work together, you can lower the stress in your life and work on a healthy sexual relationship.

If you notice any of these vital signs that your body might be too stressed, it is time to make a change. Eliminating some of the significant stressors in your life can help you to stay healthier and ultimately happier. If you find this article insightful, then don't forget to pass it on to your loved ones so that they can also benefit from it.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!