Young Elephant Tattles To Mom About Dog Annoying Him

Jul 28, 2020 by apost team

This dog has no idea this baby elephant is bigger than him. He's enjoying playing and taunting the sweet little elephant. Dogs can be best friends with just about anything, that's the truth.

In this clip, this sweet pup is playing a game of tag with his new friend, a baby elephant at Chiang Mai’s Elephant Nature Park in Thailand.

The dog is a lot faster than the baby elephant. The elephant tries to chase him, but the puppy gets away a lot faster. He's not worried that the elephant will get near him. The older elephants keep a watchful eye on the playing pair. The dog seems almost too confident as he taunts the baby elephant. He seems to enjoy tricking it into chasing him.

Tourists watch along with the other animals as the two play. The young elephant is trying so hard to catch the pup. The dog should think twice because one day that elephant will weigh thousands of more pounds than him. It may seem like bullying, but it's all in good fun. The elephant is having a good time trying to keep up.

Finally, the elephant seems to be getting tired of the dog's games. The cub is getting frustrated as it just cannot keep up with the dog. The baby begins huffing. Maybe its headed for a meltdown like when two toddlers play and then get tired of one another. The elephant swings its trunk at the dog. It seems to be telling the pup that the game is up. The dog doesn't seem to care.

The baby elephant has reached its breaking point. It kicks a big pile of straw at the dog then throws some over its shoulder. The tantrum is in full effect. It isn't getting its way. The baby storms away to its mommy.

The elephant is stomping its feet, mad at the dog. It's lost the game. Maybe the baby elephant didn't really lose, but the dog feels like a king, a hundred feet taller than he really is. He's won for the day. He'll come back tomorrow to play some more.

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