Young Daughter Calls Dad From Parking Lot In Order To Announce That She No Longer Has Tumor

Oct 05, 2020 by apost team

When you receive exciting news, you usually want to share it with the people who mean the most to you. In this video from 2018, a young woman named Ariana Marshall learned that she was free of a tumor and called her father as soon as she found out.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Ariana Marshall learned on November 29, 2018, that her health would soon get better. When she called her father, he informed her that she was on the phone with the entire family. Ariana's father knew that her call was about important news that she was supposed to receive.

The young woman had been waiting for some time to give her father the news that she got from her doctor. For some time, Ariana had tumors in her jaw. She was finally able to call her father and let him know that the tumors were gone. When she called her father, her mother was in the car with her, recording what she said during the conversation.

Ariana's father asked her about the tumors and about some of the details that her doctor gave her. When Ariana told her father that the tumors were gone again, both of them started to cry. You can hear the joy coming from Ariana's father and his little girl as they both realize that she can begin to live a normal life.

Soon after Ariana talked to her father, the two went to a basketball game to celebrate so that they could spend time together and so that Ariana could yell in support of the teams. 

Do you also think that this phone call was very emotional? It was overwhelming to watch the tears roll down a young woman's face as she gives her father the good news. Tell us how you felt in the comments below and pass this on to your family and friends.

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