Young Boy Named Mason Asks His Chicken For A Hug In His Backyard

Jan 26, 2020 by apost team

A young boy, Mason Brumley of Springville, loved his pet chicken. They had a special bond and back in 2014, he made a video where the bird approached him and Mason enveloped her in a cuddle.

After an overwhelming response, the boy decided to set up his own YouTube channel 'Mason And The Love Bird' so viewers can further enjoy his adventures with his feathered friends. 

When Mason hugs his chicken, it seems that the chicken is hugging Mason, too.

To the chickens wandering the yard, this is apparently a normal occurrence. Other chickens are standing and walking around in the video, and a rooster even crows during the 15-second video. Mason clearly cares about Love Bird, as is reported here at Country Living.

Mason and his chickens now appear in the YouTube channel "Mason and Love Bird," and Love Bird is seen helping Mason with his homework, getting ready for baseball, and spending time with other animals.

In another popular video, Mason almost gets a hug from his chicken, but then she ducks and walks around to get a good look at Mason's face. It's like Love Bird needed to convince herself that it was really Mason. And THEN the she settled in for a nice, long hug.

Interestingly, the chicken known as Love Bird hasn't always been so sweet. In their YouTube channel's "About" page, the family shares that Love Bird was a difficult chick, who wouldn't stop fighting with the other chickens.

Even though Love Bird was pretty hostile as a chick, Mason was the one who gave her the time and attention she needed. She has responded so well to Mason's affection, and she gives it back to him, too. More than most chickens and more than many pets, Love Bird is devoted to her human.

Have you ever heard of a chicken as affectionate as Love Bird? Have you ever heard a story as inspiring as the story of Mason's attention transforming Love Bird from hostile to famously affectionate? Tell us what you think, and tell a friend, too!