You Won’t Believe What People Are Doing To Save The Bee Population

May 28, 2018 by apost team

The number of bees in the world is quickly declining. This is a matter that we must take seriously as bees are the organisms responsible for the pollination of domestic crops and are an extremely important part of our overall food production. As they become more and more endangered, our ecological and agricultural systems are becoming severely compromised. 

Did you know that a bee was responsible for the pollination of one out of every three bites you take? Bees are more important than many people realize! 

You could find six million hives back in 1947. Today, that number has dropped over half, as there are about two and a half million hives in existence at the moment. Fortunately, an amazing solution was designed by BEEcosystem, founded by Mike Zaengle and Dustin Betz.

The two came up with an ingenious design that allows a colony to grow right in your home. This cedar hive is expandable in order to allow the hive to grow along with the colony. One of the best designs is the glass panel that allows you to look into the hive like a window. As the bees buzz around their honeycombs, you can sit back and watch them do their fascinating work! 

The tube of the cedar hive rests within your window, the way an air conditioning unit does. The bees can then enter and exit their hive through a plastic tube. This tube allows them to go outside without allowing them access to your actual home. 

The company is aware that many people would be quite hesitant to install their product. Not everyone has experience with beekeeping! That is why they have an ambassador program that provides the owner with experienced beekeepers who come in to help you maintain your new hive while educating you about the bees and their role in our ecosystem.

This well-researched program has the ability to increase the population of bees dramatically. The company does suggest that anyone interested in owning their own hive should first educate themselves and firmly commit to the idea of maintaining their hives. You will also need to make sure you follow any beekeeping regulations within your municipality before you begin. 

Are you ready to learn more about the BEEcosystem? Click here to check out their website and begin your part in supporting the bee population! 

Do you think you would enjoy owning your own beehive? Let us know what you think about BEEcosystem and pass this on to your friends and loved ones so that we can all try and save the bees!