You Should Be Putting A Bowl Of Vinegar Inside Your Dishwasher - Here's Why

Oct 17, 2018 by apost team

Vinegar is quite the miracle product, isn't it? You can use it as a disinfectant for just about anything. It's a great alternative to smelly chemicals that do much more harm than good.

You might already use vinegar a lot in your day-to-day life. Even so, you could always be using it more. This is especially true when it comes to kitchen tasks. Do you ever get frustrated when dishes don't come clean? Vinegar to the rescue!

White vinegar can help make your dishwasher work more effectively. Water stains can be especially difficult to get rid of. This type of stain happens when you have hard water. Hard water makes otherwise clean dishes look yucky and "cloudy." Time to reach for that vinegar.

Careful, though. Don't get hasty and put the vinegar in the "rinse aid" compartment of your dishwasher. Doing so will compromise the gaskets and ruin your dishwasher's mechanics. The safer way to use vinegar to clean your dishes is to use a dishwasher-safe bowl. Pour some vinegar into the bowl and put it in the top rack of your dishwasher. Now you'll enjoy perfectly clear dishes!

No more awkward dinners where you invite someone over and have to use cloudy dishes. No more fumbling explanations about your hard water problems. Vinegar solves it all.

Take the magic of vinegar elsewhere in your home. If you have problems cleaning your hardwood floors, vinegar can solve them. Using strong chemical cleaners runs the risk of damaging the finish. Vinegar is gentler but no less effective. Use a spray bottle or a mop to spread the vinegar evenly as you work.

Addicted to your coffee machine or Keurig, but tired of having to clean it all the time? Hard water strikes again. You can clean these machines with vinegar, too! Fill the water chamber of your coffee machine with vinegar and run it as though you're making coffee. Then let it sit for about 30 minutes. This will completely disinfect your machine. It may also help them brew coffee more quickly.

Are you inspired yet? Remember to add white vinegar to your grocery list ASAP. That way you won't be scrambling for a cleaner the next time you notice some grime. Vinegar can also save you money since you won't have to buy a bunch of different cleaners for all of your household needs.

What other "household hacks" have you come up with? Let us know in the comments! If you've tried this before, let us know how it worked out for you. Show this article to your friends and family so they can enjoy spotless dishes, too!