You Deserve A Partner Who Sees You As Worthy Of Their Love

Nov 14, 2018 by apost team

When you date someone, the person should show you the love that you deserve and treat you the way that you deserve to be treated. There are only a few people who can actually love you this way, which is why you're likely not used to experiencing a love like this.

The person you're with should not leave. You deserve to be with someone who is willing to wait for you instead of rushing away when you're not ready. If you make the decision to push the person away, then that person should want to stay to show you the love that you deserve. The walls that you've built around your heart should not be intimidating. Instead, these walls should be crushed with love that is given.

You should be with someone you can count on and who will make you see that you won't be left. You should feel safe at all times. There should never be a time when you have to question your worth or whether the person loves you. The person you're with should view the imperfections that you have and embrace them, loving you for all of your faults along with your strengths.

You should be the first thing that someone else thinks about each day. You are the one someone should think about before going to sleep. The person you're with should call you or text you over others because he wants to hear your voice and wants to feel the warmth and love that you have to offer. There shouldn't be a time when you have to beg for someone's attention as it should be given freely.

When someone is worried about you, then that person needs to let you know. You deserve someone who cares about your health, well-being, and all of the other details of your life. When you're not there, you should be on his lips and should be the person who he talks about. Sweet words should be whispered to you when you least expect them. You deserve someone who is your best friend but who will also give you the love that you desire at the same time.

If you're not a priority for someone else, then you need to walk away. Embrace the knowledge that is given in knowing that you deserve only the best, seeking what the best looks like when you are unaware of your surroundings.

Do you feel as if you haven't always been treated the way you deserve to be treated? Let us know about your experiences in the comments and show this article to your friends and family to show them that they deserve the most from their significant others!