You Can Avoid And Get Rid Of Cracked And Dry Feet This Winter In These 4 Ways

Oct 26, 2018 by apost team

Winter is coming, and that means drier air. One of the hazards of winter is dry, cracked feet. Many people fall prey to this condition, but women tend to suffer from it more frequently.

With the dry air season looming ahead, you should think about how to deal with cracked feet. Read on to learn four home remedies that will help protect your feet this winter.

1. Moisturize

This is probably the most obvious tip, but some people tend to overlook the simplest solutions. You should have a good, thick moisturizer and some heel balm. Apply a generous amount of thick moisturizer in the evening, then wear socks throughout the night to allow the moisture to be absorbed into the skin.

For more severely dried-out feet, moisturize every few hours throughout the day.

2. Household items

Your pantry is likely to have some natural food items that are beneficial for your feet. For example, Honey has properties that, when applied to your skin, can fight bacteria and other microbes. Another food, coconut oil, can be applied to the feet to help them retain moisture.

The best time to use coconut oil and honey is right after soaking your feet. Also, when soaking, you could add a little bit of mouthwash to help clean and disinfect cracked skin.

3. Soak and exfoliate

Since your heels tend to have a lot of thick dry skin, it often becomes necessary to soak them. This softens them and prepares them for exfoliation. You should soak your feet in a foot bath with warm, soapy water for 20 minutes.

If you don’t have a foot bath, you could just soak your feet in the bathtub. To exfoliate your feet after soaking them, scrub them with a foot scrubber or a pumice stone. Remove all the dead skin from your feet, then dry them and apply a good moisturizer.

4. Apply liquid bandage

If you have cracked feet, it’s basically like a wound on your skin that can bleed and become a real health hazard. One of the best ways to prevent bleeding is to use a liquid bandage that is made for shallow scratches and cuts. Make sure the liquid bandage is completely dry before putting on shoes or socks.

If these remedies are not enough to protect and heal your feet, you should visit a podiatrist to see if a prescription medication can solve your problem or find out if there is an underlying health condition to blame.

Do you know any great home remedies for dry feet that were not mentioned here? If so, let us know in the comments. If you found this article helpful, send it to your friends.

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