World's Favorite Grandpa Sends Donuts To His Grandchildren On A Drone

May 15, 2020 by apost team

Smelling a box of freshly-made donuts and enjoying how the different glazes, shapes, and toppings look is great, but grabbing a soft pastry and tasting the treat is something completely unique. Kevin Procopio, a loving grandpa from Saugus, Massachusetts was able to provide his grandkids with a special delivery of donuts during this quarantine that they won't be forgetting any time soon – he used a drone.

While donuts alone are great themselves, a loving grandpa from Saugus, Massachusetts was able to provide his grandkids with a special delivery of donuts that they won't be forgetting any time soon.

The quarantine surrounding COVID-19 has been hard for almost everyone in the world and this grandpa wanted to find ways to bring a little happiness into the lives of his family members while still following social distance guidelines.

A Family Apart

Social distancing is keeping a lot of people from being able to see the people that they care about, but many are coming up with creative solutions to be able to keep in contact in different ways. Kevin Procopio is one of these people and he knew that he had to do something special for the grandkids that he missed so much.

Even though he only lived down the road from his grandsons Milo, Emet, and Oren, the doting grandpa had not been able to see them since the start of quarantine and he was getting tired of it. "Extreme cabin fever" had taken hold in the home of the three young boys, and he decided that it was time for him to do something special to lighten the mood for everyone.

Special Delivery

A lot of grandparents had been keeping in contact with their grandkids by making phone calls, some have even sent cards. Papa Kevin decided to take it much further. He made a call to his family and told them to go out onto their balcony outside.

While they may have been confused about what was coming next, they went ahead and went outside and were excited to have a distraction. The oldest grandson, five-year-old Oren was especially excited because he knew that his grandpa was special and there was something great in store for the family.

In the distance, the quiet humming of a drone could be heard, but Oren was not able to see where it was at first. Suddenly, he spotted a drone carrying a box of donuts headed straight towards his house! When it got closer, it hovered above him and lowered until the box landed directly in the arms of the little boy.

Although the whole family got to enjoy the delicious treats, Oren felt extra special that day after receiving the gift himself in such a neat way. Studies have shown that when grandparents spend time with their grandkids, they tend to live longer. This might give you even more reasons to have your kids spend time with them.

There is a lot going on in the world and it's more important than ever to show the people that you love that you care. While you may not have a drone, there are still plenty of creative ways to keep in touch.

A grandpa was able to play with his grandkids with a technological twist, his grandkids got some donuts, and their parents were able to enjoy a temporary distraction.

Have you been keeping in contact with your loved ones? Tell us about the creative ways that you have during the quarantine and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family to encourage creativity like this one.