Women Who Remain Single For Longer Periods Of Time Are Some Of The Happiest Members Of The Population

Feb 07, 2021 by apost team

In our culture, many people strongly believe that their friends and family members who are single must not be happy. Women who do not have a partner tend to face a lot of questions about their status and are given unsolicited advice and trite phrases to help them "overcome" their single-ness. For women who have been single for a long period of time, however, such unnecessary worry for their future is unwelcome. Many single women have spoken out about why their single status has been a boon in a lot of ways. 

Here are why women who are single for extended periods of time are the happiest.

High Levels Of Comfort


Single women are the happiest because their level of comfort and acceptance of themselves is high. For many people, having to spend time alone is a sort of punishment. While this may be due to personality types (such as extroverts loving social interaction for example), too many people are in relationships because they just don't want to be alone. Jumping into a relationship without thinking about it causes damage and pain for both parties down the line if both individuals are only trying to escape being alone. 

Women who have been single for long know that solitude and being alone are not in any way the same as being lonely. There is a deep comfort and contentment when you are your own best friend. Being alone also cultivates a new relationship with your own passions and hobbies, which when built upon, add depth and clarity to who you are. When a single woman knows who she is and what her worth is, she is no longer willing to settle in a mediocre relationship that does not fulfill either her needs or her partner's. 

Women who are single for long periods of time love spending time alone and going on dates with themselves. These women are able to go on a shopping trip and even eat out at a restaurant without feelings of awkwardness surfacing as a result of having no one to accompany them. Most people may be repelled by the thought of being in public alone, but single women enjoy their time regardless of whether their friends join them on social outings.


Quality Time To Grow 


While finding a partner can be a great thing, finding true love isn’t the most important thing for single women. Rather, they find happiness when living a life full of purpose. Their happiness isn’t found when they have found their boyfriend, and chasing guys is not a priority on their list of things to do. Instead, they follow the path that will lead them to make their dreams come true and obtain the future they aim for. This isn't to say that meeting men is off the table— single women know that finding a partner can be wonderful— but they know that a partner is not what completes them. 

When women are single for long periods of time, they get familiar with the single lifestyle and enjoy the journey. Never having a relationship that leads to marriage is not something that will scare them. They fully enjoy living their life alone and draw inspiration from the silence that surrounds them. While being alone, these women are able to place all of their focus on themselves and accomplishing their goals, which brings its own kind of happiness with it. Going for what they want in life along with the things that are important to them are easy tasks. They tackle the world head-on with passion and promise.

Other Relationships Become Stronger


One of the most common complaints friends and family have when someone is in a relationship is that the person doesn't have enough time for anyone but their partner. While it is true that more time with a partner invariably results in less time with others, it isn't always nice to lose a person you love to their relationship. Single women make sure that their other relationships don't get taken for granted or ignored, and use their social time to strengthen their existing bonds. Moreover, single women are also more careful to not become fully lost in their future relationship but strike a balance with all of their social connections. 

They also understand who they are from different perspectives and relationships better when they are single. For example, a woman may know that she is a caring and devoted daughter, but also that she is a strong and fierce friend who others are lucky to have. Knowing and combining the different aspects of her personality gives her a stronger identity which helps her to grow personally as well.

Not Being Affected By Social Expectations

Personality is a little bit like a chameleon, as it changes with the environment, but single women also know themselves away from all social expectations. This helps them to understand that they are more than what people think of them, which is a huge gift. How many times have you changed things about yourself because of others? How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something you like just because other people may not approve? Single women have been through the fire of social disapproval and come out on the other side with more love and understanding for themselves. This gives them a whole new way of experiencing the world, which is less hindering and more filled with adventure.

No Settling Or Compromising

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When the day comes for a single woman to meet someone that they could potentially have a relationship with, that person must challenge her and push her forward in life. This person must not be someone that is stagnant in life. Daily encouragement to live to the fullest is what should come from him. It is imperative for her to find someone that will have her back and is able to live alongside her in happiness and appreciation for her success.

As a result of finding someone that compliments who they are individually while simultaneously bringing more joy into their lives, single women are the happiest. A woman who has been single for a long time wants someone that loves her and complements her strength. A man who loves this type of woman is attracted to her resilience and unwillingness to minimize herself or her life plans to please him.A relationship that is filled with mutual support, love and admiration for the other person is priceless and worth waiting for.

Single women women are the very essence of strength, and finding love does not cause them to lose themselves and forget who they are as individuals. They will allow the light of their dreams, morals and hopes to be equal to the light of their significant other.


Are you a single woman that can relate to this outlook on life and relationships? Let us know in the comments!

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