Woman Who Earns 5 Times As Much As Her Husband Infuriated After He Complains She Doesn’t Do Enough Chores

Sep 07, 2021 by apost team

A common point of conflict in many marriages is who should be responsible for household chores. In the past, this was a role typically dedicated to the wife, while the husband went out of the home to work. Today, things are very different. Most women will work full-time jobs as well to make ends meet, but some still hold the belief that a wife must be responsible for the majority of the housework.

A woman on Reddit posted about her experience with this conflict after her husband complained that he missed the “old days” when women were only homemakers and “did their duties.” For some context, the woman works from home full-time and makes nearly five times more income than her husband. She was also doing the majority of the chores, but her husband felt she should be doing more. 

One day, he asked his wife what she was making for lunch and she suggested he cook instead because she was busy working. This is when he made the comment about his wife being a homemaker, even though she would technically be considered the breadwinner in the household. 

This disagreement caused a fight between the couple and the wife decided to designate half of the household chores to her husband, and he still complained about being too tired after working his day job at a movie theater. However, he had plenty of energy to play hours of video games. After he continued to complain, the wife locked his PlayStation in the safe where he couldn’t get to it.

The woman posted her story on Reddit to ask other users if she was in the wrong for her behavior. Read on to find out what other people had to say about the wife’s actions. 

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The woman said that her husband’s behavior made her very angry. In her Reddit post, she stated: “Monday, I gave him a list of chores to do, about 2-3 hours of chores daily. He constantly complains, and I just reply with ‘Quit your job.’ I spent years doing all the chores on top of my job, but he whines at the prospect of doing just half.”

The wife added, “I feel like I don't have a choice: If I let John do nothing and consider himself the breadwinner who deserves to come home to a clean house and warm meal through no effort of his own, I would lock myself into a life of servitude.”

Dan Bacon who is the founder of The Modern Man project, said on the subject: “Housework used to be seen as women’s work only, due to a man traditionally being the breadwinner and the woman staying at home all day. Yet, in today’s society, if both the man and woman are working, it’s more fair, loving, and respectful for both of them to contribute to keeping the house clean.”

Dan continued, “On the other hand, if a man is the sole breadwinner and the woman stays home all day, many people would agree that she should do most or even all of the housework. That said, no one actually ‘has to’ do anything in a relationship.” He added that fairness and communication are paramount to a healthy relationship. Dan went on:

“A woman shouldn’t ever force a man to do housework and a man shouldn’t force a woman to do it either. Instead, the couple should honestly agree on what they feel is fair and then go with that..”


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Certified relationship coach, Alex Scot, recommended that the couple shares the load of household chores and start by writing down which chores they hate doing and which ones they don’t mind. She said:

“For example, I don’t mind cleaning toilets but I hate vacuuming, so my partner is the one who vacuums and I’m the one that cleans the bathroom. For any chores that both partners don’t want to do, take turns alternating. This will vary from couple to couple but the goal here is to keep communication open, fair, and realistic for each other’s schedules.”

Many Reddit users had an opinion on the subject, and the majority agreed that the woman was right for standing up to her husband. One commenter wrote, “Oh, my girl, you're most definitely (not wrong). In fact, don't you dare take even the tiniest step back. Hold your ground as if your life depended on it.”

Others wanted to wish the woman well and hope she can find a healthier relationship.“I hope you can give yourself the chance at a happier life one day. Even if you don't have self-respect, you still deserve respect from others, especially your partner,” another person added.

A third user summed up the issue, writing, “Yet another man who thinks 'woman' and 'maid' mean the same thing. When it's time to do chores, he wants a traditional marriage. When it's time to earn money, he wants a modern marriage. And he doesn't want to hold up his end of the bargain in either one.”

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Do you think the wife was in the wrong? Was the husband at fault in this situation? Let us know your opinion and be sure to pass this along to your friends and family.

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