Woman Takes Over A Dozen Disabled Dogs To Visit The Beach For Their First Time

May 18, 2021 by apost team

Salima Kadaoui is the founder of SFT Animal Sanctuary in Tangier, Morocco. She has dedicated her life to the betterment of animals. On July 4, 2019, Kadaoui put together a visit to the beach for 18 dogs in wheelchairs who had never been given the chance to see the ocean. The video footage of the occasion is so precious, and it is heartwarming to see these dogs look so happy and carefree.

The wheelchairs did not slow these dogs down at all as they raced around Kadaoui and played joyfully in the sand. The woman ran back and forth along the beach as the whole crowd of dogs chased her with glee. None of the dogs seemed concerned or nervous about the new encounter, and the wheelchairs worked great on the sand. 

There was a moment in the video where one of the dogs got a hold of Kadaoui’s sandal and was running around with the shoe in its mouth until finally surrendering it back to her. It is so cute to see these dogs behaving like any other mischievous pet despite their differences. While they are playing on the beach, the dogs seem to forget about their wheelchairs altogether and only seem happy to be there.   

All 18 of the dogs have had challenging lives. Most of them were hit by cars and then abandoned, so this moment on the beach is a well-deserved break from the struggles of daily life. It is lovely to know that there are people like Kadaoui in the world who dedicate so much time and energy to making life special for dogs like these.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The SFT Animal Sanctuary is home to much more than just dogs. They also take care of cats, monkeys, and donkeys. They have over 600 animals in their care, including 500 dogs, 120 cats, and 30 donkeys. Despite staying busy with so many animals, Kadaoui and her team make the happiness of these disabled dogs a priority. 

Getting 18 dogs to the beach wasn’t exactly easy. “They loved the beach. I don’t usually take as many but this time we hired a van and had many volunteers. We were at the beach at 7.30 a.m. to make sure the babies could run around and explore,” said Kadaoui to Story Trender. The effort they put into the trip was well worth it to see the joy on the dog’s faces.

Sadly, many of these dogs have a tragic history. Kadaoui said, “Most were disabled by car accidents and left on the side of the road to die. We rescued them and as you can see, they are very happy dogs.” It is a miracle that someone is looking after these precious animals and cared enough to build such a large and thriving sanctuary for them.

It is important to note that it is not just dogs who have been rescued from accidents that use wheelchairs. Many senior dogs and dogs born with joint pain or mobility limitations also benefit from wheelchairs made for dogs. According to the American Kennel Club, you should talk to your dog’s veterinarian if you have any concerns about their mobility or general health.


The creator of the original dog wheelchair is a World War II veteran named Lincoln Parkes. Parkes is around 93 years old now and a retired veterinary neurosurgeon. He saw a serious need to help animals with mobility issues because, during the 1950s and 60s, they were typically euthanized if they had no way to walk. “Animals, because they can’t walk, should not be put to sleep. I felt there must be a way. And it became obvious – make something for them and try it,” Parkes told the WUSA9 news team.

“I put something together and the dog ran out the door and I said, ‘Uh oh. I’m in trouble.’ And that started the K-9 Cart Company back in 1961,” Parkes added. There are now hundreds of different companies that make and sell dog wheelchairs, but Parkes created the original. 

He didn’t stop with just dogs. Any pet you can think of, Parkes has made a wheelchair for it. “Dogs, cats, snakes, anything. People fall in love with them. There’s no replacement. They fill a chunk of life that no other being can. (It became obvious) that there was a big need for supporting disabled animals,” he said.

Disabled dog owner Amy Deisher said the dog wheelchair has changed the life of her pet Corgi, Lear. Deisher said, “The moment (Lear) got in (the cart), off he went running. And he never stopped. The carts make such a big difference in their lives. It’s worth every single moment to be able to see them do what they used to do.”

What was your reaction to the video of the dogs on the beach? Have you had a pet that required a wheelchair? Let us know what you think, and be sure to send this on to your loved ones.

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