Woman 'Stresses Out' About Color So She Paints Her Entire Home Black
Jul 20, 2022 by apost team
Home decor influencer Vee, better known as @herblackhouse, has an apt handle given the transformation she and her husband carried out on their new pad. Having always been an aficionado of the color black, the couple decided to paint their home, inside and out, entirely in inky darkness.
They purchased the brick abode in 2019, which appeared to only have had a dark-colored door at the time. Nothing about the place stuck out from its standard issue, stone-colored neighbors. However, Vee decided on the very first day that the drab color scheme needed a drastic change.
Recalling the unimaginative interiors that the home's previous owners left her, Vee said, "When we bought this house, it was actually all tan and it was just really horrible." The beige instantly offended the new occupants. "The kitchen was a cherry red," Vee said, describing the warm-colored cabinetry, knowing she had to do something about it.
Not wanting to sleep on her impulses, Vee immediately broke out the paint brushes. "I knew the day we were moving in that I had to paint the kitchen. So I was painting the whole time while my husband and everyone else was moving furniture in. I [was] in there like, 'I have to do this.'"
The next step and the largest hurdle in the transformation was planning all the other surfaces. "The biggest thing was painting every single wall white and going from there and deciding what I wanted to do black," Vee recalled in an interview. Speaking about her motivation, she simply said, "I'm literally obsessed with the color black. I couldn't live life without it." She expanded, saying, "Color stresses me out."
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Her devotion to one color appears true, with all of Vee's outfits, accessories, and accouterments coming in some flavor of obsidian. With the small exception of her dyed pink hair.
The reception to her and her handiwork has been mixed. Vee's content was dotted with comments questioning her monochromatic choices. "I think it's a good mix of black." She told reporters. "I don't think that it's too much, but I don't think it's too little." However, some viewers think it's more than just dramatic and read demonic intentions into the color scheme.
To this reaction, Vee said, "I just don't know why people take the color black and automatically assume that it's like this negative energy." In the past, she's posted security footage from the camera above her front stoop, namely one video featuring a woman looking at her home and commenting, "It's the devil's house," before walking away.
When she encountered this sort of gloomy reaction, Vee said, "I just try to ignore it and move on. Because, I mean, you can't please everybody."
When the couple first embarked on this all-black adventure, Vee had been worried about the locals' reactions and the impact of her actions. She said, "I was a little concerned for the homeowners, in terms of them thinking this was going to hurt the value of their home."
However, Vee found support right outside her front door, with most of her neighbors showing enthusiastic approval of her shadowy home. As if she were their own private Morticia Adams, the neighborhood has embraced the all-black house as a quirk of the street.

What color would you paint your house? Let us know — and be sure to pass this article on to friends, family, and fellow home decor fans!