Woman Steals Ring Off Of Grandma Who Died, But The Family Gets The Last Laugh

Mar 25, 2019 by apost team

They say that karma always comes around. One woman did something so low that people literally couldn’t believe a sane human being would do something like she did. However, karma certainly came around when the lady was pulled into her local police station. She was completely unaware that security cameras were on her the entire time.

As reported by the Inside Edition, In 2016, a lovely woman named Lois Hicks passed away in Odessa, Texas after living a long, full life. Her friends and family were so sad that she had passed, but they wanted to celebrate the wonderful life that she had lived.

They gathered the next day at a local funeral home to say their goodbyes to Lois and to gather together to remember what a loving person she was.


However, unbeknownst to anyone who had come to the funeral for the right reasons, there was a truly terrible person in their midst. A woman came into the funeral home with the rouse of needing to use the bathroom. At the time, none of the guests had arrived for the funeral yet, but the casket was in place.

The woman saw the casket in the empty room and apparently thought she could score some easy money by literally snatching jewelry from within the casket. It’s hard to say what kind of person could stoop so low in life.

The woman had no idea a camera was not only on, but pointed directly at the casket, as she snuck up and roughly pulled a diamond ring of Louis’ finger. The woman then ran out of the room and fled to her car, speeding out of the parking lot.

She must have thought she would make a pretty penny off this horrible crime. Vel and the rest of the family were in absolute shock. No one could believe someone would be that low.

In the end, not only did the footage help police find and arrest the thief, but the ring turned out to be a plastic $10 ring as a placeholder for the original diamond.

What do you think about karma? Do you think this woman got what she deserved? Let us know your thoughts on good and/or bad karma coming back around. We always love your insight!