Woman's "Hot Mess" Hair Is Transformed In Breathtaking Makeover

Nov 04, 2020 by apost team

As a woman gets older, her features can change. And at times, that change isn't always welcomed, turning into something she's unsatisfied with.

That's what happened to Pamela from Grand Rapids, Michigan. After being sick 15 years earlier, her hair began to fall out, and ever since it hasn't been the same. To her surprise, Christopher Hopkins AKA The Makeover Guy managed to turn her hair into something breathtaking.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Pamela begins by being honest about what she's unhappy with. It's her hair, which she describes as a "hot mess." After getting sick 15 years earlier, Pamela lost a good part of her hair, leaving her with short strands that grow but break quickly. Christopher describes this as a "short growth period" and says her hair isn't a "hot mess," it's just "difficult hair." Well, who better to tend to Pamela's difficult hair than The Makeover Guy!


Pamela then explains that she is traveling to England with her husband to attend a meeting of his, and admitted that initially she "didn't want to go because [she] didn't want to embarrass him." She also says she'd "just like to look as good as [she] could." She's clearly a bit nervous at the thought of getting a makeover, but Christopher seems to have put her at ease, as she says:

"He thinks I'm beautiful. He said they're only gonna improve on perfection."

After Pamela's transformation, she looks like a new woman ready to take on anything! Christopher and his team lightened her hair to a gorgeous soft blond while cutting it into a short asymmetrical crop that Pamela absolutely pulls off. Pretty pink makeup softens the look of her edgy haircut, resulting in a fashion-forward makeover that leaves Pamela thrilled, as she says she's "overjoyed." 

Pamela's trust in Christopher is clear from the get-go and it paid off. She explains: "I said whatever he wants to do, he's the expert." However, she also said that "he was hoping I went a little shorter"—we all know how much Christopher loves to cut off hair! After sitting back and letting them do what they do best, Pamela added: "It's a little lighter than I'm used to but I love it. It got the red and the yellow out."

Not only did Christopher transform Pamela's appearance, but he also seems to have given her a big confidence boost, with the change between her before and after clips hugely different. That's the power of a makeover—it's not only about changing one's physical appearance to match how they feel inside, but it's about transforming their impression of themselves and boosting their mental wellbeing.

As with many of Christopher's clients, Pamela touts the benefits of having a makeover from The Makeover Guy, saying: "I think every woman should do this. I think it's great." To see so many of his clients so happy with their makeovers is truly a delight to watch. If you're thinking of changing up your look, take a page out of Pamela's book and just do it!

Were you impressed with Pamela's makeover? Tell us your thoughts in the comments, then pass this inspiring transformation on to those you know!

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