Woman Raised A 'Puppy' For Around A Year Only To Find Out That It's Not A Puppy After All

Nov 28, 2018 by apost team

What if someone told you that your beloved four-legged friend isn’t actually what you thought they were? It may sound far-fetched, but for one woman, Ms. Wang, who resides in China, it actually came true. Ms. Wang was raising a puppy that she purchased under the impression that it was a Japanese Spitz breed of dog.

She fell in love with the precious little puppy, and for months she raised him like a dog. As he grew older, the woman realized something wasn’t quite right. His appearance began to drastically change, and his fur became thick like a wild animal’s.

His face grew pointy, and the tail was longer than any dog’s she had ever seen before. She even noticed that other dogs seemed to be scared of her precious puppy. But why?


She sought out a second opinion to find out what was going on with her beloved pet. A staff member at a local zoo was shocked to find out what this woman was actually keeping as a pet. Her companion was no puppy at all, but was actually a fox!

Foxes are known to appear similar to puppies when they are young, but once they grow older, the distinctions are more obvious. But how did Ms. Wang end up with a fox as a pet? Foxes are commonly found around Asia and can be bought in numerous pet shops to keep as domesticated animals.

However, some places do not disclose that they’re actually foxes, and conceal the identity as dogs, fooling the owners into raising these foxes like puppies.

The Japanese Spitz dog that Ms. Wang thought she was receiving are actually considered some of the best pets out of any breed, so it’s no wonder why she jumped at the opportunity to raise one! They’re known to be loyal, affectionate and captivating little dogs with an adorable appearance.

After Ms. Wang realized that she was actually raising a fox, she was unsure of how to handle the situation. The fox was no longer eating dog food or chicken that she provided, so she decided that he could remain at the zoo to be raised there instead by professionals that knew how to handle foxes.

Now, the little fox has a proper diet, experts to take care of his medical needs, and can be around other animals of his own species. Now that you’re aware of this story, it’s important to know what you’re getting into when adopting a pet. Raising a fox would prove to be a difficult task, as they would likely destroy your belongings and home.

Always do your research before adopting any animal.

What do you think about pet stores passing off foxes as dog breeds? What would you have done in Ms. Wang’s position? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below and make sure to pass this story ahead to everyone you know!