Woman Finds Her Missing Cat Of 2 Years On A Shelter's Social Media Page

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

Jimmy was always known as a mischievous cat. He often left his home to wander the neighborhood. One day, Jimmy did not return. Jimmy's parents never worried about him playing outside. He was more than capable of taking care of himself. He would hang out in the driveway, visit the homes of neighbors, and explore the areas around him. He would on occasion sneak inside parked cars and relax before returning to his home.

Jimmy's mom, Sue Zelitsky's appears saddened by the memory of the day Jimmy did not return home. The day was September 13, 2014, not long after Jimmy turned 13 years old. Jimmy's father opened the door so the cat could go out to play. When it was time for Jimmy to return to the house, he was nowhere to be found. His parents called his name over and over again but he never returned.


The Zelitsky's were devastated. They placed fliers on every car in the neighborhood and Mrs. Zelitsky would call Jimmy's name each time she was out and about in the neighborhood just in case her cat was somewhere nearby. The couple never wanted to lose hope but resigned themselves to the fact they would probably never see Jimmy again.

Fast-forward two and a half years. Sue was browsing social media one day when she saw a post by a local animal shelter. The post explained that a cat had been recently found on the street. The cat in the photo looked a lot like Jimmy.

Sue responded to the post with a comment. She was desperate to know if the cat in the photo was Jimmy. Sue and the shelter exchanged a few messages and it began to seem like the cat found on the street could indeed be her Jimmy.

Sue learned the cat was found about ten miles from where she lived with her husband. She went to see him after sharing words and photos with the West Milford Animal Shelter.

Sue gathered a few things from her home she thought Jimmy might recognize before traveling to the shelter. She was accompanied by a neighbor who also knew and loved Jimmy. The staff at the shelter were extremely nice and led Sue and her neighbor to Jimmy. Sue said she knew it was Jimmy the moment she laid eyes on him.

Sue said it was obvious Jimmy recognized her also. Once out of his cage, he walked in her direction and gave a gentle headbutt to her shin as he often did in the past. Sue's husband came to the shelter and was greeted similarly by Jimmy.

Jimmy is now 15 years of age and happily reunited with his family. Even the family dog was happy to see Jimmy return. There were two new kittens in the home now but they took well to Jimmy from the moment they met. Sue explained that her family is beside itself with happiness. She says to have Jimmy back in her home is almost too good to be true. Watch the video about this moving story below:

Have you ever been separated from a beloved family pet? Were you able to keep a dry eye when Jimmy was reunited with his family? Send this story to the pet lovers in your life. It is sure to brighten the most dreary of days.