Woman Films Wild Wolves Racing Her Car

Jan 09, 2019 by apost team

When you’re living in the big city, commuting on a Friday may mean you could miss the subway due to oversleeping. However, when you live in Canada’s Northwest Territory, commuting on a Friday morning could mean you’re going to have a race with wolves with your vehicle.

That’s what Rhonda Miller experienced during her commute or, at least, what she noticed when she saw two black shadows sprinting along the highway like bats out of hell. Initially, she believed she was seeing a man or a bear. However, neither of those scenarios made any sense.

She was, after all, in the middle of Highway 3. When she began slowing her vehicle down and approaching them, she pulled out her phone and started videoing. It wasn’t long before Miller realized that she was driving alongside two huge, black wolves that looked like they each were straight out of The Game of Thrones.


Miller told the News that her body immediately became afraid because she was so struck by the size of their jaws and heads. The main reason she recorded it is that she didn’t think anyone would believe her story if she didn’t. Animals will frequently venture out on to the highway. However, she’s never seen wolves do so, let alone two of them.

As her video indicates, the pair was sprinting at full speed. According to Miller’s estimation, they were running fast, around 40 to 50 miles per hour. The International Wolf Center reports that, in 2013, there were approximately 4,000 wolves in the Northwest Territories. Typically, they’re nocturnal animals, so it’s rare to see them during daylight hours on the highway.

Miller states that, as soon as she arrived at school, she shared her video with the teachers and students. It goes without saying that everyone she showed the video to was amazed. She further stated that she thinks the power and beauty of them, and to see them running in such a way, is an inspiration. Check out the video right here:

What did you think about the video? Do you think it shows how dangerous these animals can be - or do you think it is a testament to how amazing nature is and that we should do everything to preserve them? Tell us in the comments and pass this video on to friends and family who would love to see this.