Woman Doubts Prince Harry Will Remember Her, But When He Does His Face Says It All

Jun 29, 2018 by apost team

Prince Harry is continuously meeting new people each year at events that he attends as part of his royal duty and for the charitable organizations that he supports. After wedding Meghan Markle, his face is in the public eye now more than ever. However, he pulls it off with so much passion and heart; the world has fallen in love with him.


Daphne Dunn, a 97-year-old widow from Sydney, Australia, patiently waited in the rain to see Prince Harry. She had met him once before when Prince Harry noticed the medals she was wearing in honor of her late husband who died during World War II, and was determined to be reunited with the young royal.

He immediately spotted her during his second visit to Australia. 

With a huge smile on his face, Prince Harry chatted with Daphne before giving her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Meeting Harry a second time meant a lot to Daphne because of his involvement and dedication to veterans and active military members.

While he's swamped carrying out the royal duty under the Crown, he makes sure to spend time with his fans. Watch the video below to see his reaction when he finds a familiar face in the crowd! 

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