Woman Discovers Cute Baby Eaglets In Middle Of Road And Realizes They Need Her Help

Jun 17, 2019 by apost team

Eagles are beautiful, majestic creatures. The symbol of the American nation, the bald eagle’s stern, and watchful gaze is recognized throughout the world. Despite all of the eagle’s symbolism of honor and power, sometimes they need a little help too. One woman in Washington recently had a chance to help a pair of baby eagles in a difficult position and her story has gone viral.

Kathy Pitts was walking her dog in her neighborhood in Sequim when her dog began behaving in an alarming fashion. Barking and sniffing the ground, Kathy soon determined that her dog’s attention was focused on a bush in her neighbor’s yard.

Approaching the lush greenery, Kathy looked down to see two fat, grey little birds on the grass. While someone else might mistake the two birds for a pair of strange-looking chickens, Kathy knew instantly that they were baby eaglets.


Eagles are a common sight in Kathy’s neighborhood. For about six years, two eagles named Lucy and Ricky had been nesting in the area. Kathy deduced that the two babies belonged to Lucy and Ricky.

Knowing that the two parents had previously lost another set of eaglets, Kathy decided to contact a professional to help give this new pair the best chance of survival. Pitts brought-in Jay Moore, a retired wildlife expert, to help with the eaglets. Together, Kathy and Jaye took the baby birds to a vet.

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The vet at the animal hospital judged the two babies to be just three or four weeks old, much too young to have left Lucy and Ricky’s nest. Keith Ross, a wildlife photographer told The Dodo how sweet the two birds looked while still noting their fragile state.

After the group assessed that the two eaglets were healthy, they determined that the best solution would be to return them to the nest. Casey Balch, the owner of Pacific Northwest Tree Service, offered to help the rescuers return the babies to Lucy and Ricky.

With both parents watching his every move, Casey climbed up to the nest with the eaglets in a green duffel bag. As Lucy circled overhead, Casey put the babies back into the nest. The whole community of Sequim was overjoyed to see Lucy and Ricky get their babies back.

The two parents have since been seen taking turns feeding their adorable eaglets to the cheers of the whole neighborhood.

What do you think of all that Kathy and the other rescuers did to return the baby eaglets to their parents? What would you have done in her situation? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this adorable story along!