Woman Discovers A Field With More Than A 'Thousand' Abandoned Bunnies And Steps Up To Save All Of Them

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

Stacey Taylor and her son were driving past a facility for mental health located in Las Vegas about four years ago when they saw something unbelievable. They saw more than a hundred rabbits hopping around the lawn of the facility.

Stacey and her son walked the grounds of the facility in hopes of understanding why so many rabbits were there. What they found were more rabbits. Taylor was able to count at least 1,200 rabbits. Taylor explains that she and her son had no idea what to make of the rabbits. She asked around to see if anyone could provide answers to why so many rabbits were present on the grounds of the health care facility. She also did a little research in regards to the facility itself.


She learned the facility is owned by the state of Nevada. She also discovered that at some point someone thought the rabbits would provide comfort to the residents of the facility. The original number of rabbits brought onto the facility was about 50.

If the story told to Stacey is accurate, the dozens of rabbits that originally inhabited facility grounds soon multiplied to hundreds. Taylor has also become convinced that others have used the area as a place to leave unwanted rabbits in their possession. This has contributed to furthering the population explosion.

The problem is no one was taking care of the domesticated rabbits. These rabbits are close relatives to wild rabbits but are different in that they are not equipped with the traits to make it on their own in the wild. Stacey reached out to organizations in the area she thought would help the rabbits. None of them possessed the resources to aid more than a thousand rabbits. Taylor was determined, however, and began attempts to rescue the rabbits herself.

Stacey and friend Dave Schweiger now run their own organization named 'Bunnies Matter In Vegas Too.' Taylor said the final thought that moved her to action was knowing that she walked up on the rabbits and simply picked one up. There is no way they could be safe at the abandoned facility.

Stacey is in the process of having each of the rabbits spayed, neutered, and treated for illness or parasites by a veterinarian. Taylor has as many of the rabbits in her home as possible and uses foster homes for others. She is still in need of housing for many more rabbits. Stacey and Dave return to the location where she discovered the rabbits on a daily basis to feed and water the rabbits she has not yet been able to place in homes.

Stacey admits that her biggest concern is protecting the rabbits from people with bad intentions. She says she met one man who wanted to use the rabbits to make dogs fight. You can see the concern in Stacey's face as she details the entire encounter.

Stacey says she walked up on the man feeding iceberg lettuce to the rabbits. She told him he was using the wrong kind of lettuce because iceberg lettuce would not provide the rabbits with any nutrition. The man told Stacey it didn't matter because the rabbits were only going to be used for bait to make dogs fight for them. Stacey says she reported the man to authorities.

Stacey toyed with the idea of a program that would catch, neuter and then release the rabbits back onto the property that was home to them but learned that it would be illegal to 'dump' the rabbits back onto the grounds. She says the problem is frustrating because she is not allowed to spay and neuter them without already having a home for them. In the meantime, they can have new babies every thirty days.

Stacey says she is undeterred by the hardship involved with caring for the rabbits and says she has thus far rescued 200 rabbits. She says she hopes that someone with the necessary resources will see what is happening and provide what is needed to help the rabbits. Check out the video right here:

What did you think when you saw that Stacey and her son encountered more than a thousand rabbits? Have you ever heard or experienced a similar story of saving animals? Tell us in the comments and pass it on to other animal loving friends and loved ones.