Woman Defends Unsafe Surgery To Turn Dream Of Having Largest Rear End In Existence Into Reality

Sep 22, 2020 by apost team

When you think about making the Guinness Book of World Records, you might dream of being the world's strongest person. You might set a goal of doing the longest handstand or the fastest mile. Most likely, you never dreamed of setting a world record for having the largest butt in the world.

Well, that's exactly what one woman from Gothenburg, Sweden named Natasha Crown is after in this story from 2018. With an already huge behind, Natasha has been under the knife three times, risking her life and health in order to achieve her dream.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video.

Back in 2018, one model decided that she wanted to have the largest bottom known to man. Natasha Crown was just 24 years old then, but her story quickly went viral. Around the world, people were stunned to hear about her strange, unexpected dream.


Getting the World's Largest Butt

Natasha Crown has been working to achieve her dream for quite a while. She gained around 50 pounds with the goal of increasing her butt size, but her weight gain was not enough, according to The Daily Mail. She also went through three butt lifts to increase her butt size.

Because of her weight gain, Natasha had an 83-inch waist as of 2018, according to VT. She wants to increase her waist size to 90 inches so that she can hold the world record. To accomplish this goal, the former model needs to gain 40 more pounds. She also needs to get a fat transfer to increase the size of her butt. The life-threatening surgery will basically move fat from another section of her bottom to her rotund bottom.

She Refuses to Reconsider Her Plans

Natasha went on a talk show on ITV to discuss her dreams. Other than discussing her plan, she also did some twerking to show off her backside. While typical models stick to careful diets to stay in shape, Natasha is doing the exact opposite

She lives in Gothenburg, Sweden. On any typical day in Gothenburg, Natasha can be found gorging on hot fudge sundaes, pizza, chocolate, and pasta. She eats up to 14 pounds of Nutella each month.

Natasha does not want to just increase her weight. She is trying to deliberately gain fat so that doctors can transfer the additional fat to her bottom. On Instagram, Natasha spoke out about her diet. As she said in the ITV interview and to her 1.4 million Instagram followers, she actually exercises each day. She works out to tone her muscles and stay in shape.

Obviously, the biggest question that anyone has is why she would ever do such a thing. It seems incredible and shocking that someone would distort their body in this way. According to Natasha, she started out just wanting a larger bottom. Before long, she decided that she wanted to have the world's biggest butt.

The procedure that she is about to do can be exceptionally dangerous. Known as the Brazilian butt lift, this surgery can cause significant health problems, and even has a 1 in 3,000 chance of death.

Unlike some cosmetic procedures, the Brazilian butt lift has a shockingly high death rate. Natasha has already had the procedure done three times. Despite the high risks, she says that she is not worried. Natasha believes that it is not dangerous because it is her own fat, but this is not true.

Natasha's family members are concerned about the choices she is making, as VT reports. They are worried that these surgeries and her diet could end up killing her. Despite her family's concern, Natasha has decided to go through with her next cosmetic procedure.

If you were shocked by the changes that Natasha has made, see what your family and friends think. Are you stunned that someone would do this to their body?

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