Woman Cycling In Hot Desert Discovers Dying Puppy On The Road In Middle Of Nowhere

Jun 03, 2019 by apost team

What would you do if you found a dying puppy on the road? Well, you are probably wondering how this would even happen as you barely pay attention to things on the side of the road.

Very few people do this. However, Diane Lea, the founder of 50 Causes Ride, a movement aimed at raising awareness for 50 different causes, has other ideas when it comes to taking care of nature. Read on for a glimpse of what makes this cyclist special.


Diane Lea was cycling in the Southern Arizona desert with the temperatures at about 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Not many people would get out to cycle under such scorching weather. But on this day, while cycling, Diane came across a puppy that was in the middle of the road.

Just imagine what exactly a puppy would be doing alone in such a remote place in a desert. One thing that was clear, though, is that then puppy was close to dying. Diane didn't hesitate before she decided to save the puppy’s life. 

On seeing it, Diane stopped cycling and took the puppy. She then cycled back to where the RV was and set out to give it first aid. One of the notable things about this RV was that it wasn’t filled with what a typical touring car has.

Instead, of nice stuff such as blankets, air conditioners and such niceties, this RV was full of treasures that Diane together with her driver, Liz Watkins had collected along the roadside in the ninth day of their trek.

Diane Lea gave water to the puppy, and it drank quickly as it was without doubt thirsty. She then placed it in a bucket which was arguably the only comfortable place they could have put the puppy. She then continued tending to the puppy until it recovered from the hunger.

Don't forget to show this article to your friends and family members so that they can see how Diana Lea rescued the puppy. You can help raise awareness of the importance of taking care of pets and rescuing them when possible.