Woman Creates Snowflake Decorations Out Of Clothes Hangers For Holiday Season

Dec 04, 2019 by apost team

Decorating for the holiday season can be a source of joy and expense. However, it does not have to be expensive to achieve unique looks, as demonstrated by these giant snowflakes made of plastic hangers!

They're great as you can tear them apart after the season and still have something useful.

Jeanne Cherry, at juNxtaposition, is a professional at upcycling. She demonstrates in her video how to make these snowflakes, and we will provide step by step details here too. Supplies: 16 hangers for every snowflake, and zip ties. The color, size, and style of the hangers do not matter, as long as all 16 are the same. Consider using baby hangers for smaller snowflakes!


Step 1 – Clear a large area like a floor or a table for your workspace. Take your first two hangers and line up the bottoms. Repeat with a second pair. Continue this with the remaining hangers until you have four sets using eight hangers. Attach them firmly with zip ties.

Step 2 – Create your next layer of hangers. Repeat the same process as step one, connecting the hangers by lining up the bottoms. Place this layer on top of your first, but so the "points" are placed in the middle of the points from your first layer. The picture demonstrates this visually.

That's it! You've made an adorable, gigantic snowflake!

Here are some tips:

– When putting on the zip ties, do not tighten them too much. Allow some wiggle room for later adjustments.

– Make sure that the inner layers and outer layers are firmly attached, to prevent your snowflake from collapsing later.

– When you are satisfied with the look of your snowflake, pull the ties tight, and cut the ends.

You can either hang your snowflake up now or consider decorating it even more! You could paint it, or add glitter! Consider doing silver or different shades of metallic blues! Whatever your personal preference, these snowflakes are sure to catch the eyes of everyone driving by. Before you hang your snowflake, keep in mind you can decorate it any way you please (or keep them plain like Jeanne). You can spray-paint them, add glitter, or whatever your heart desires.

Can you think of other ways to make these snowflakes unique? Is this something you are going to try this season? Tag a couple of friends and consider doing a holiday craft party!