Woman Confronts Homeless Man Only To Break Down Discovering Their Connected Past

Jan 14, 2019 by apost team

Brought to national attention by CBS News' roving reporter Steve Hartman, the tale of a lost check for $10,000 and how it brought two people together in a philanthropic endeavour is remarkable.

Roberta Hoskie was a homeless teenage mother at one point in her life. She lived in a shelter while working her way out of homelessness and eventually she broke into real estate as a broker, making millions of dollars for herself and starting her own firm, as well as teaching her own training seminars, the Ms. Millionaire Mindset Academy. One day she lost a check for $10,000 and probably thought she'd never see it again.


She was contacted by a man named Elmer Alvarez who had found the check and knew he needed to return it to its rightful owner. They agreed to meet with Hoskie expecting to find a businessman in a suit. Instead, she encountered the homeless, drug-addicted Alvarez, who wanted to return her money to her despite his own circumstances which could have been helped greatly by finding $10,000.

Alvarez says he never even thought about trying to keep the money for himself, instead of knowing that it belonged to someone else. With her past homelessness prominent on her mind, Hoskie offered him a reward: She helped him find and pay for an apartment and find work to support himself. This reward turned Alvarez's life around, leading to him getting off the streets and being three years sober.

The two have continued to stay in touch, working on a project together to open a transitional house for young homeless people in their community. Still a year away from opening, the home will help teenagers get off the street without returning a dime to either Hoskie or Alvarez. Indeed, Alvarez is planning to be a counsellor at the facility, helping other people living through what he survived to get their lives together.

Instead of just taking her money back or giving Alvarez a small cash reward, Hoskie decided to help out with what she could and it not made a difference for Alvarez personally, but their continued work together is intended to make a difference in their own community: They are working together to help other strangers get off of the streets.

It is a remarkable story of what can happen when we as members of our communities help each other out instead of avoiding each other. After you watch this incredible video, be sure to spread the joy to everyone that you know.