Woman Adopts Old Dog From Shelter, Then Realizes It Was Her Childhood Puppy

Apr 18, 2019 by apost team

If you need a miracle today, we have the perfect article for you! Nicole Grimes recently underwent an incredible miracle when she encountered a dog at the local adoption center.

She was only ten years old when her grandmother surprised her with a puppy for a gift. She immediately loved the little dog and decided to name her Chloe Bear. Nicole and Chloe were inseparable for the next four years. Nicole recounts that she was the sweetest dog. She loved giving kisses and showing her appreciation for her best friend.

However, when Nicole turned fourteen, she was shocked by her father’s actions.

One evening, Nicole’s father tearfully took the family pet to the Washington Area Humane Society. The new job he just signed up for required him to work from home, and he couldn’t have any distractions or noise. This was bad news for Chloe, who was kicked out of her home and torn away from her best friend.


Many years later, Nicole was married with a four-month-old daughter. She still thought about her loving dog Chloe, and she hoped she was alright. Though she couldn’t find Chloe, she thought it was time to make a difference in another dog’s life.

In perfect synchronicity, she saw a social media post from her friend about an older dog that needed a home.

She knew older dogs had more difficulty getting adopted and wanted to make sure she didn’t get put down.

When she saw the post, Nicole thought the dog looked like her little puppy when she was just a teenager. She immediately said she would take her, with the hopes that they would love each other in the same way.

The dog was even named Chloe.

Was it just a coincidence?

When she saw her for the first time, Nicole knew it was magic. Chloe ran right to her and started licking her face, giving her kisses just like her old dog used to. When Chloe was giving her kisses, Nicole realized that this dog had all the same characteristics of her old friend.

When she saw the chip number, she realized it was the same dog. Chloe was back where she belonged.

Watch the incredible story in the video below:

What a beautiful story! Have you ever met someone again that you hadn't seen in years? Let us know in the comments! Do you know someone who needs their faith restored? Show them this post!

Nicole was absolutely devastated and had a hard time forgiving her father. She was the best dog she had ever owned, and she wasn’t going to let her slip into the hardships of adoption without a fight. She called the Humane Society to see if she could get her best friend back.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t get any news of her beloved dog.