Wild Gray Seal Wants The Diver To Hug Him And Hold His Flippers

Oct 21, 2020 by apost team

Wildlife cameraman and doctor Ben Burville had a personal encounter with a gray seal underwater during a dive back in May 2019.

If nature and humans cross, we are always sure to get a spectacular view, and this is what happened when a group of seals came close to a group of divers. In the video that the National Geographic captured, a curious seal decided to come close to a diver as if to give him a closer look. It was one of the most memorable experience for the diver.

In fact, it is hard for anyone to imagine capturing such a moment on camera.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

According to National Geographic, the video was filmed in the ocean waters near the Farne Islands off the England coast. From the video, one can see the seals moving close to the diver and even allowing him to touch them without aggression or fear.

From the clip captured by Ben Burville, an underwater wildlife cameraman & doctor in Northumberland, UK, several grey seals are captured curiously inspecting the diver who allows them to conduct a thorough inspection. In explaining the video clip, Ben explained that he had spent a lot of time with the grey seals in their natural habitat.

To quote him,

"These animals have taught me how to dive with them in a way they feel comfortable."


The seals are swimming in a group before the diver tries to signal them. As if responding to the diver's gestures, one seal comes close where the diver touches it gently. From the video, the seals are magnificent and fun to watch.

Ordinarily, it is not a good idea to get too close to the seals in their natural habitat. This is because they could harm you in several ways, which means that you should keep your distance.

In the video, for instance, you can see the seals show off their sharp teeth, which can be dangerous to humans. The seal teeth are also known to harbor bacteria that can transmit infections to human beings, studies show. It is not a good idea to get too close to them because they could also become agitated and attack you.

What we see in this video, therefore, is truly an extraordinary occurrence. If you ever encounter seals in the wild, however, it is important that you stay still and avoid provoking them. From the shots recorded in the video clip, the grey seals seem friendly to the human visitors under the water, although this is not usually the case.

According to animal experts who have studied seals in their natural environment, any person who encounters seals in their natural habitat needs to stay still to discourage them from attacking. It is the only way of avoiding being victims of their aggression. After all, you do not want to be on the receiving end of an attack from these magnificent creatures.

Always remember that when faced with seals, your only safety precaution is staying still and not showing any form of aggression to them. This way, you might even get an opportunity to get a closer view of them without them harming you, which is a rare opportunity for many people.

The video is just one of the many captured on camera by people worldwide showing how the wild can be accommodating to human activities. Animals are a cultural heritage and regardless of where they are, we must continue conserving and protecting them for future generations.

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