Wild Deer Swarm From All Over As Woman Calls Out For Animals

Jun 12, 2020 by apost team

Wapiti, Wyoming resident Cheyenne has earned the name the "Deer Whisperer" after a video from 2013 of her feeding a pack of wild deer gained popularity on the internet. In the short video, Cheyenne steps outside her home with a bag of food, and a swarm of deer appear.

The deer in the area know that it's dinner time. She clearly has an amazing one-of-a-kind connection with deer. She even appears to have named some of the deer, and so they have a special bond with the woman and trust her. Some of the deer have been coming around every year just to see her again. A connection with animals so deep is rare, especially with deer who are herbivores and usually don't trust humans right away.


Nature and Animals

Seeing the deer eat oats from the woman is a beautiful moment. The nice evergreen trees that she lives around with all the wild animals is a serene sight to see. Living in an area like that would make anyone an animal lover. What a kind woman to feed deer in the winter with some oats. There is hardly any food in the winter for herbivore animals to eat since everything is frozen over and snow has completely covered the ground. At least the deer know that they will be taken care of in the winter, and there might be a possibility that the deer grow up to be adults and have offspring of their own.

“My wife Cheyenne feeds the deer every winter," Cheyenne's husband said in an interviewer. "Some deer have been coming back for years. She has names for some of them. They trust her completely and come when she calls. If a strange person is around, they are not as friendly. We have two Bucks that will come up and eat out of the window like a drive-thru.”

What do you think of this stunning video? Have you had similar experiences in nature? Let us know and pass this incredible video on to fellow nature and animal lovers.