Why You Should Date Someone Who Takes Your Picture

Sep 11, 2018 by apost team

Don’t date the boys who roll their eyes just because you are about to take a selfie. You don’t need to be with the boy who teases you about your pictures or the number of Instagram posts you make.


You should always date a boy who can see how beautiful photos can be. A boy who will not make a face when you ask to take a picture with him. He should want to be seen in pictures together if he is the one. He will be excited to preserve the moment you two were together. He will want concrete proof of the time you spent together, whether you were out on the lake or simply hanging out eating pizza at his house. He will love to look back on this time.



Date a boy who will not have to be begged to take a picture of you. A boy that will want to take his own candid shots because he wants the whole world to see just how pretty you really are. He should always make you feel as though you are the only girl he wants to see. He should make you feel like you are a model in his eyes. The best boy will compliment you and encourage you all of the time. You won’t have to beg for attention when you are with him.


Date a boy who will not get annoyed when you look through a bunch of pictures trying to find the right one. He shouldn’t rush you when you are trying to take the best selfie. He should understand that you do have some insecurities and you want to take your time. He will see that you just want the picture that makes you feel the most confident.


Find a boy who will not be satisfied until you find a picture and pose that you like. Date a guy who will snap a whole bunch of pictures for you and not get mad that it is taking longer than he would like. Find a guy who will be patient with you and encourage you while you find the best angle or pose.


Date the boy who will go out of his way to find the best places to pose. A boy who will make sure that you get a bunch of different shots to choose from, such as full body shots, head shots, and close-ups. He should help you capture the perfect picture, even when he doesn’t have any experience with a camera.


Look for the boy who wants to take pictures of you because he loves to look at you. A boy who is willing and eager to share the pictures on social media because he knows how lucky he is to have you. He should want to brag about you every chance he gets. Find a boy who will encourage you to always capture the moment on camera, no matter what is going on.


Date the boy who doesn’t complain that you are taking pictures. Instead, he should be volunteering to take them for you. Date the boy who actually tries to get the best picture of you. He should always look for your beauty and grace instead of putting you down for taking pictures.


Date a boy who wants to make you happy. If you are happy taking pictures together, he should be too. He should always want to capture the moments you are together, even if he is not always in the photo.

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