Why Hand-Me-Downs Are The Kindest Thing To Do for Another Mom

May 09, 2019 by apost team

Life, as it is, becomes so precious when you have people around you pouring and sending love your way. It’s even better when you are undergoing motherhood and all its pressures. The hand-downs to be exact, are usually beautiful gifts as they stream in massive quantities. Mothers are the most generous people when handing down clothes that don’t fit their kids anymore.

Lauren narrated her experience when she was heavily pregnant with her son Luca. She received three bags of baby clothes from her sister’s friend. Lauren didn’t even know this friend when she received the hand-downs. The good Samaritan also added a belly band to the luggage keeping Lauren’s post-partum condition in mind.


Luca’s pregnancy wasn’t Lauren’s first experience receiving beautiful hand-downs. Sofia’s first baby outfits were courtesy of hand-downs delivered by her friend. The clothes were unisex and didn’t matter the gender of the baby. She still remembers how cute the clothes were to date.

Lauren recalls the excitement when she first received baby clothes and shoes. It’s one of the kindest things anyone ever did for her. Handing kids’ clothes to someone who needs the more may seem like a normal or rather average thing to people who haven’t had the chance to experience it.

However small the favor seems; Lauren confesses it to be one of the kindest gestures you could ever show to a fellow mother.


Kids grow at remarkable speeds. One day you are changing their diapers, helping them sit up and the next day they are crying because their heads got stuck in the cabinet or they are crying because they won’t fit in their bicycles. Children outgrow their clothes so fast you won't even have the time to utilize them fully.

When handing down the clothes, you give a piece of your motherhood experience to someone else, for them to make the most out of it.

When you receive a bag full of baby clothes in great condition, she is simply offering her love to you in a motherly gesture.

Once you get there, you will understand how the motherhood network is connected with so much affection and understanding for each other. As for Lauren, she plans to hand-out her baby’s clothes once he outgrows them.

Hopefully whoever receives them will continue with the culture until they can no longer be gifted.

What do you think about this motherly affair? So much affection and love to give to the world! Tell out to the world about this unique way of sharing love among mothers by showing this story to your loved ones!