When Two Broken People Try To Heal Each Other, It's Love

Aug 21, 2018 by apost team

Two damaged individuals can empathize with one another in a way that someone who hasn’t been damaged simply wouldn’t be capable of concerning themselves with or even comprehending.


In certain instances, two broken individuals find it within themselves to empathize with one another thanks to their respective damage. While dating another damaged person can present myriad trials and tribulations to ensure that you are looking out for your partner’s needs whilst simultaneously watching your own back, a mutually beneficial relationship is genuinely possible. In fact, when the stars align, two damaged individuals can empathize with one another in a way that someone who hasn’t been damaged simply wouldn’t be capable of concerning themselves with or even comprehending.


You’re better equipped to support one another during difficult periods.


Due to the singular understanding that you can share with another person who has also been broken by their past, the bond that is shared within this unique and special variety of relationship is invaluable. Because of your shared history of damage, you can be more self-aware of your partner’s needs and be better equipped to support one another through difficult periods. Having someone close to you as you progress along your odyssey of healing can make the hard times seem easier and the good times seem even more joyous than they would have already.

You will have the ability to empathize with your partner.


You will have the ability to empathize with your partner’s feelings because individuals in this special variety of relationship each have worked through difficult emotional experiences, including the unique feeling of isolation that often accompanies trauma. Because each of you will have experienced the loss that comes with being deserted, you and your partner will also comprehend how invaluable a good relationship can be. As such, you’ll be willing to put in the emotional labor and effort necessary to sustain a relationship that is worthwhile. Thanks to your shared experience being abandoned by people in the past, you’ll be wary of putting someone else in the same position.

You can help your partner overcome persistent feelings of isolation.


In some instances, an individual who has been broken in the past will become accustomed to being isolated. However, it isn’t as though isolated individuals are always pleased with the fact that they are alone. It is simply that they understand they must adapt to any situation in order to survive, and as such, they have girded themselves against the harsh realities associated with being alone. For this reason, a person who has suffered trauma in the past will seek out others who are in a similar situation: they know that there are others who are alone and want to break out of their shells of isolation by meeting people with similar experiences.

You can have a partner who commits to working on your relationship when things aren’t going smoothly.


If you and your partner both know how brutal it can be to be isolated, then you will work especially hard to ensure that your relationship will last as long as possible. Since you know what it is like to be separated from a lover, you’ll comprehend precisely how invaluable this type of connection can be. When both you and your partner have this understanding of how essential romantic contact is for most healthy relationships, you will both be on the same page when it comes to maintaining a relationship as long as you are able.

You can have a partner who understands why you’re guarded in relationships.


If you have been broken in the past, then you know how painful it can be to give your heart away only to have it utterly destroyed. Because of your past experiences, you will understand that your partner may be more likely to guard themselves against the danger of having their heart shattered once more. It can sometimes take an extended period of time before an individual who has been broken will be willing to open their heart up to a new person. Despite this, the relationship that you can form with another broken individual is worth taking the chance to open yourself up to one another who also wants one of the most dependable and persistent relationships around.


If you or someone you know is worried their baggage will prevent them from finding a reliable and empathetic partner, then don’t rule out other individuals with traumatic pasts. While it may not be the most simple and easy thing in the world for two individuals who have been broken in the past to enter into a relationship with one another, the rewards can be very great.

Everyone is searching to find the counterpart to their own experience, and when an individual has had traumatic experiences, it can sometimes be hard to find someone who can prove empathetic to their personal experience. Despite the various challenges that can accompany the foundations of such a pairing, you can form a strong and rewarding bond with another person who has been in broken by past experiences.

Have you ever been in a relationship like this? What did it mean to you? Let us know, and show this article to friends and family to let them know it's okay to be broken.