What Type Of Lower Body Do You Have And How Should You Exercise For It?

Dec 10, 2018 by apost team

Just like there are two types of guys in the world - those focused on gal’s butts and those focused on gal’s busts, ladies themselves also often fall into either being worried about their butts or boobs.

If you’re a butt gal, you should first understand that not all female buttocks are shaped alike.

Second, you should realize how you exercise your booty should be adapted to its shape for the best outcome.

The female booty basically has four main shapes: v-shape, heart-shaped, square, and round. Let’s explore what shape you have, how it affects your butt getting into shape, and what butt exercises best challenge its shape.


1. V-Shaped

What’s Happening?

This inverted shape has a lot to do with the oesteogen hormone and its role in female body fat distribution and patterning. During menopause, this anabolic hormone starts to decline. Fat storage that would normally be in the buttocks often moves to places like the abdomen, which results in volume loss in the buttocks.

What Exercises Can You Do?

Deep Squats

Start with your legs shoulder-width apart and your shoulders back to align your spine. Tighten your core. Now, bend your knees to squat as if you’re about to sit in a chair. Don’t allow your knees to go past the tips of your toes. Return to start and repeat.

Moving Lunges

You’ll need a long space for this exercise. Take a long-stride step with your right leg. Dip your pelvis low by bending your left knee toward the ground, but don’t allow it to go past the tip of your toe. Follow through to return to a standing position.

Now, repeat stepping forward with your left leg. Continue moving forward alternating legs. Remember to keep your core tight and spine straight. To add a little extra difficulty, try holding a weight in each hand.

Pop Squats

Begin with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your arms out in a windmill position at your sides. Keep core tight. Bend your knees for a simple squat. Explode up out of the squat into about a three-inch high jump.

Each time you come down from the jump, you’ll touch the floor with the tips of one hand and reach for the sky with the other hand; you’ll alternate arms with each jump.

2. Heart-Shaped

What’s Happening?

This shape of a fuller bottom and narrower top buttocks is one of the most coveted, and it’s often attached to a hourglass pear-like figure. The natural fullness of the “A” bottom aspect of the buttocks tends to sag with age, weight gain, and inactivity, however. So, you’ll need to stay on top of your exercises to keep the gluteal muscles firm.

What Exercises Can You Do?

Side Bends With Dumbbells

Grab a couple of five to 10-pound dumbbells. Begin with your feet slightly further apart than shoulder-width. Keep core tight and shoulders back. Bend to the left until the dumbbell reaches about knee-level. Bend to the right until the dumbbell reaches about knee-level. Continue alternating sides.

Explosive Lunges

Begin with feet together. Bend your elbows, clinch your fists, and assume a prayer-like pose. Lunge forward with a leg. You’ll use both legs to jump up. You’ll switch legs mid-air so that the opposite leg is in the lunge position upon landing. Repeat alternating the landing leg each time.

Mountain climbers

Assume a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and feet a few inches apart on the floor. Draw one leg at a time up toward your chest. Immediately bring it back and bring your other leg up toward your chest. The goal is rapid succession in alternating your legs - as if you’re running or climbing stairs.

3. Square Shape

What’s Happening?

This “H” shape is associated with good immune systems and stress resilience. Fat is more evenly distributed around the top of the buttocks and heavier and fuller at the bottom and sides, creating a streamlined square shape. The gluteals need to be kept strong and lean.

What Exercises Can You Do?

Leg Raises

Assume a straight line side-lying position. Place the elbow nearest the floor on it to brace your upper body off the floor. Place your opposite hand on the floor in front of you for balance.

Flex your toes and lift the leg closest to the ceiling up without lifting the opposite leg off the floor. You should feel a stretch, but don’t lift your leg so far that your hip pops or the move becomes painful. The result is a v-shape leg pose; hold for a few seconds before lowering. Repeat 10 times before changing to the opposite side.

Platform Step-Ups

You’ll need a set of stairs or a sturdy box about six to eight inches in height and a set of hand weights in each hand. Step far enough back to ensure your knees will bend to a 90-degree angle when you step up.

Place one foot on the platform and press into your heel. Lift to touch the platform with the toes of your opposite foot. The stepping leg should have the concentration of weight. Return to start and step with the opposite leg. To add more difficulty, you can lunge as you bring your foot back to the floor.

Jump Squat

Assume the squat position. To do a jump squat, you’ll jump up out of the squat high enough so that your heels meet mid-air.

4. Round Shape

What’s Happening?

When it comes to the male preference, the proportions of the “0” shape buttocks are most often found visually attractive. Females may be interested in knowing that this shape is associated with a pelvis shape that’s more favorable for easier child-birthing. The sides of the gluteals are leaner and fat is predominantly stored at the top of the buttocks.

What Exercises Can You Do?



Lay on your back with your legs slightly further apart than your hips and your arms flat on the floor at your sides. Bend your knees to 90-degrees to place your feet on the floor. Lift your pelvis off the floor and hold as long as you can. Release and repeat. To add a layer of difficulty, place a flat weight across your pelvis.

Sumo Squats

Instead of a traditional squat stance, you’ll spread your feet further apart and angle your toes to 45-degrees so that your knees will bend outwardly, not straight ahead of you. Bring your arms in front of you and clasp your hands hand-over-hand.

Bend your knees to squat, but still ensure your knees do not go past your toes. Hold for a few seconds, return, and repeat.

Bulgarian Split Squat

This is perhaps one of the more difficult exercises, but it will certainly be worth the effort. Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Feet shoulder width apart. Now, bring one leg backwards to rest on a platform a couple of feet off the ground, such as a bench or chair.

Your front leg will hold most of your weight. Keep your shoulders back, core tight, and spine straight as you drop into a squat. Return to start. Try starting with 10 to 15 reps for each leg.

So, what shape are you? Are you excited to know targeted butt exercises based on your shape? Know someone looking to change the dynamics of their rear end? Pass this info along, and always feel free to leave us your thoughts, suggestions, and questions.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!