What Sign Are You? African Geomancy Will Be The Most Accurate Horoscope You Ever Read

Feb 16, 2018 by apost team

From ancient African civilizations, African astrology was born. It's now hailed as the most accurate of astrological guides. Researchers believe that Africa was the most primitive of all the various societies and regions to begin to show interest in the planets and stars. 


The root technique behind African astrology is called geomancy. Three bones are randomly tossed to a flat surface. They form arrows and lines, which are then organized by three levels. A bone in a vertical line is used to form the base level. The remaining two levels are formed by one or two lines. The end result is a 12-figure image that correlates to one of 12 different zodiac signs. 

The names of the 12 African zodiac signs are quite interesting. They're particularly reflective of the primitivism of early African civilization in that they're symbolic to what would theoretically be of greatest impact to an emerging population, such as documenting ancestors, food supplies, trials of traveling vast distances, importance of harvests, value of natural resources, and developing hierarchies. Here are the 12 African Zodiacs: 

1: Baobab Tree

• January 4 through February 3. 
Favorable day is Thursday. 
• Sensitive body parts are liver and gallbladder. 
• Sense is 
Element is air. 
• January and May are the most successful months. 
• Based on the baobab tree. 
• Key characteristics - honesty, liberalism, and thoughtfulness. 

While Baobabs do not take themselves too seriously and often find authoritative roles challenging, they persevere and succeed because they constantly seek opportunities and have a strong sense of self, even whilst under great pressures. Anxiety over prompt decision making, however, can skew the speed and optimism by which a baobab travels down his own path. Setbacks (not concerning character) should be allowed to extinguish themselves. 


2: The Wealth Of Amber And Silver

• February 4 through March 5.
Favorable day is Wednesday. 
Sensitive body part is the nervous system. 
• Sense is sight, particularly of the obscure and the dark. 
Element is air. 
• February and June are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - intolerance to differences, highly emotional and temperamental, insightful, and quick wit. 

TWOAAS are inherently nervous individuals. Both positive and negative emotions burn brightly, making them intensely temperamental. They're staunch in their own beliefs and easily refuse temptation with strength and conviction. Resentment, however, is often held at anything that runs astray from their own perspectives, knowledge, and convictions, which usually involves anything that deviates from its premise and originality. A quick wit serves the TWOAAS well in life, but they must be vigilant to constantly nourish their inner-self to prevent a thrilling but empty life. 

3: Family

• March 6 through April 4. 
• Favorable day is Tuesday.
• Sensitive body part is the lungs. 
• Sense is smell. 
• Element is the earth. 
• March and July are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - selflessness, mediator, accepting, and giving. 

While family individuals are warm, caring, sharing, accepting, and giving, they're also very reserved and unassuming within their community. They are too concerned with the well-being of others to experience narcissism or selfishness, and their notion of success is in sharing all that they have to offer with others. Peers often call on them to mediate, consult, or advise because of their adamant opposition to anything underhanded and undermining of the greater good and because of their ability to summon inner wisdom. While success is always favorable in anything this individual sets out to do, there's a greater inner summons to accomplish a single remarkable deed before death. 

4: Small Services To The Neighborhood

• April 5 through May 4. 
Favorable day is Saturday. 
Sensitive body part is medullary. 
• Sense is hearing. 
Element is earth.
• April and August are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - procrastination, dependability, gentleness, affectionate, creative, and unity.

Albeit two contrasting elements, both symbols of SSTTN are of strength and represent opposites that still maintain a greater connection, just as youth and age does. In times of crisis, this individual is always dependable, creative, and imaginative. However, difficult decisions are often delayed until they've become critical moments. As affection seekers, friendships and relationships are often abundant for the popular SSTTNs, but few of these relationships will be lasting and true. Gentle sentiments should be reserved for true friends, not enemies and inappropriate relationships. 

5: The Market

• May 5 through June 4. 
Favorable day is Sunday.
• Sensitive body parts are veins and throat. 
• Sense is touch. 
Element is fire. 
• May and September are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - optimist, dramatics, and humanitarian. 

Just as those on a journey for riches are discouraged by an arid, dry desert and equally inspired by the promises of moisture from a lush forest, this sign symbolizes prosperity awarded by the balance of contrasting elements. Those of this sign will face harmony and tranquility in their lives, but it will always be shadowed in danger and hostile trials. Be careful not to waste precious energy and talents on relationships that can never prosper or evolve. While distress will not follow the naturally optimistic market for long, they often overly dramatize and exaggerate negative events and engage in unrealistic fears and concerns. 

6: The Ancestor

• June 5 through 4 July 4
• Favorable day is Monday. 
• Sensitive body part is the head. 
• Sense is taste.
• Element is water. 
• October and June are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - perceptive, fairness, and leadership. 

From a solid foundation, noble and strong forces derive power and success. They're leaders, governors, champions, and mentors amongst their community because of a strong conviction on fairness. However, egotism combined with a need to impress others often leads the ancestor into depressing difficulties. Thanks to a strong self-knowledge and perceptiveness passed down from ancestral Africa, the ancestor is keen on how to quickly recognize this self-destruction and redirect. 

7: The Judge

• July 5 through August 4. 
Favorable day is Tuesday.
Sensitive body part is the kidneys. 
• Sense is touch.
Element is fire.
• July and November are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - realist, popular, magnetic, grounded, generous, innovative, spiritual, and imaginative. 

Judges have magnetic personalities that inspire, attract, and energize others. The ability to empathize with others also inspires followers from all walks of life. They're very perceptive and realistic about their inner strengths and weaknesses and how best to apply them toward innovation. While judges often deeply ponder thoughts, their decisions are made quickly, confidently. Being without their own brand of self-pity, they quietly go about lifting others up from personal doubts and troubles. The judge has a mind for militant strategy and leadership, which is grounded by a deeply rooted spiritual side.

8: The Kola Nut

• August 5 through September 3. 
Favorable day is Wednesday. 
• Sensitive body parts are the sexual organs. 
• Sense is taste.
Element is earth. 
• December and August are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - sensual, chaotic, courageous, and unstable. 

This individual's free spirit often intimates and is irksome to the more meek and mild, which is why the kola nut gravitates to those with powerful signs. Unstable energy creates a feverish existence that is charged with sexuality. However, this is counterbalanced by the quest for knowledge, and with wisdom of age comes a need to restore balances previously upset by insatiable pleasures, follies of youth, and corners cut in pursuit of excitement. 

9: The Traveler

• September 4 through October 3. 
Favorable day is Thursday. 
• Sensitive body parts are the feet and joints. 
• Sense is 
Element is air. 
• January and September are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - sensitive, wanderer, and misunderstood. 

Wanderers are complex beings, much like the sadness verses the hope a nomad causes when he leaves from and arrives at a destination. They're often misunderstood, which doesn't temper their sensitive personalities. Trusting their intuitions is often a problem, but if they master the skill, then they'll embark on journeys that are as inwardly enlightening as they are tangibly rewarding. 

10: The Distance

• October 4 through November 3. 
Favorable day is Friday. 
Sensitive body part is the heart.
• Sense is hearing. 
Element is water.
• February and October are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - spontaneous, creative, inner strength, impatience, and anxiety. 

Impatience can dull the creativity natural to this sign. Fear of stability and commitment in youth causes this individual to live a spontaneous, nonconformist life that's spearheaded by pure instinct. Once they do decide to lovingly commitment, however, the inner will and patience to uphold that commitment is within them. These are the dreamers, writers, and revolutionaries; they are the ones who show the world that logic is a relative term often based on fallacy and that uncertainties are the only certainty in life. 

11: Child Of The World

• November 4 through December 3. 
Favorable day is Saturday. 
Sensitive body part is the viscera. 
• Sense is taste. 
Element is fire.
• March and November are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - generous, strong, opportunist, and devoted. 

The gentle, generous, happy go lucky nature of the COTW attracts good fortune and favorable opportunities. Unbridled pride, though, may cause an equal hand of misfortune. Consistently positive energy makes this individual popular with peers and a good friend.

12: The Harvest And The Granary

• December 4 through January 3. 
• Favorable day is Tuesday. 
• Sensitive body parts are skin and bones. 
• Sense is hearing. 
• Element is water. 
• December and April are the most successful months. 
• Key characteristics - vanity, generous, Pollyanna, careless, and loyalty. 

THATGs stay ready for action. They naturally attract happiness and attention, which gives them a false sense of security, fated entitlement, and dependence upon others. While the ultimate predestination is that of a trailblazer, they may fail to realize their potential if they remain misguided by false securities. Vanity and a verbose nature often cause problems with love; sincerity, quiet reflection, and serenity must be developed to prevent romantic disasters. These individuals must also learn how to trust their own intuitions and balance a firm hand with a lenient hand.

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