What Should You Eat To Protect Your Health And Beauty - 17 Questions Answered

Nov 05, 2018 by apost team

Healthy eating questions fill your mind every time you go to the supermarket, head to the kitchen, step on the scale, or look at yourself in the mirror. Do you look and feel tired? Have you gained some weight? Are you starting to suffer from age or stress-related problems? A lot of these things come directly from what you eat. Turn to science for the answers, then turn to new eating habits to stay healthy, fit, and beautiful throughout your life.

Need a Burst of Energy?


Food is fuel. When you need a quick uplift to get through your day, avoid things full of caffeine and sugar like energy drinks. Instead, go for natural sugars in a piece of fruit. You will not crash as hard when it wears off.


Avoid Cholesterol-Raising Foods


Different dietary fats have different effects on body chemistry. Stay away from saturated fats in chocolate and sausage, and reach for healthy fats in eggs, lentils, and organ meats instead. Dietary cholesterol does not create a higher rating in our bodies.

Do Superfoods Really Exist?


While no one food will supercharge your health, natural choices like broccoli, blueberries, chickpeas, cabbage, and walnuts contain compounds important for your good health and youthful feeling.

Carbohydrates and Bread Facts


Carbs are not the enemy for most people. Choose complex ones with fiber and nutrients rather than straight sugar. Bread products, which frequently contain oils, sodium, and sugars, can be included as a treat rather than the main course.

The Truth About Gluten


Speaking of baked goods, gluten gets a bad rap these days. The scientific truth is that 90% of people have no problem with wheat or other gluten-bearing grains at all.

Should You Detox?


Some health or beauty gurus say detoxing is necessary to feel and look your best. The truth is, you cannot stop detoxing if you tried. Your body does it naturally every day. You can make it easier on your body by staying away from unhealthy chemicals in food, tobacco products, excess stress, and poor sleep habits.

The Best Ingredient List


You may check labels every time you go to the grocery store in a quest to find the most useful healthy products available. In truth, the healthiest foods have no ingredient list at all. Natural foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans contain everything needed to boost health without any lists needed.

Diverse Diets or Good Habits


While diversity may be the spice of life, the same healthy diet every day will not hurt you as long as all the necessary nutrients are included. With all the great options out there, however, it makes sense to explore other options.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Fats


The old school way of thinking about diet stated that fats are bad no matter what. Now we know those good fats exist in seafood, avocado, nuts and seeds, and olives. Just avoid most saturated fats and you can still enjoy that creamy taste.

Does Organic Matter?


Studies differ on whether organic foods are actually healthier for you or not. However, there is no question they have a much different environmental impact than crops sprayed with chemical pesticides and fertilizer.

Get the Healthiest Vegetables


Everyone knows that a diet rich in vegetables will help you stay healthy and fit. Research shows that fresh and flash frozen options are equally good, as long as they were picked in season. Choose bags with individual frozen pieces, as this shows proper handling. Also, realize the health benefits of eating raw or cooking first. Beans and lentils, for example, must be cooked. Tomatoes and cabbage are more easily digested and release more nutrients if they are cooked too.

Facts About Fish


Seafood and fish contain healthy oils that help protect your health and youthful appearance. However, too much of it contains high levels of mercury and other chemicals. Research your sources and opt for smaller fish varieties.

Calcium for Strong Bones and More


Milk has long been recommended as a source of calcium, but research has not shown a direct correlation between this drink and improved absorption of this important nutrient. If you opt for things like soy, dark leafy greens, apricots, and kidney beans, you can get the same calcium benefits.

The New Word on Alcohol


New studies show that drinking any alcohol can affect your health negatively. While an occasional glass of wine or beer will not lead to certain death, avoiding it altogether is a smart choice.

Sugar: The World's #1 Drug


The food industry has pushed so much sugar into nearly every processed food you eat so that you develop a taste for it and always want more. It is, however, one of the worst things to do if you want to stay healthy, fit, and beautiful. Sugar is high in calories, has no nutritional value, boosts insulin production, and causes you to gain weight. Make smart choices when it comes to eating things without sugar included.

The food and beverage choices you make every day affect how you look and feel. With natural, healthy options, you can live a life full of energy for a very long time! Did you find the answer to a question you were wondering about for a while? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to pass on this information to your friends and loved ones.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!