What Emotion Is Your Subconscious Hiding?

Dec 22, 2015 by apost team

This quiz presents you with a range of Tarot cards and each of these cards represent certain emotions.

The quiz poses a set of questions and you can pick one of the Tarot cards. It is important that you consider a few things when picking a card - pick the card intuitively, don't overthink it, you need to go with what catches your attention. Your first instinct is the key to your subconscious emotions.

There are several questions such as: Choose the card that you’re most ATTRACTED to; Pick the card that you most IDENTIFY with; Pick a card that represents your PAST; A card that reminds you of your PAST; Think about HOME and choose a card. The idea behind it is to identify your strongest emotion that is evoked when you see a particular card.

We recommend that you don't overthink your answers to give you an accurate result. LOVE, JOY, CONFIDENCE, FEAR AND DOUBT: What emotion is hidden deep inside you? Take this test and find out and do let us know if your result makes sense.


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