Vision Test: Let's Find Out How Good Your Eyes Are

Jun 15, 2018 by apost team

More and more people are looking at screens on a daily basis and this is taking a toll on our vision. If you've noticed your eyes are a lot more tired by the end of the day and you're getting frequent headaches, then you may be a victim of ophthalmic issues.

So let's test your eyesight! There are a variety of vision deficiencies like colorblindness, astigmatism, and blurriness, so these tricky images will determine if you may have any of these issues. 

What can you see? Point of view matters!

That's right, there are butterflies hidden within this photo. Did you see them right away or did you have trouble? Deuteranopia – Red-Green Color Blindness - is one of the most common types of color blindness that primarily affects men. 

Let's try some more image tests!

Can you read this one?

Did you see 7 and 16? This is an old test that's been in use since 1917 and was developed by Japanese ophthalmologist Shinobu Ishihara.

How about some more numbers?

If you see 13 and 8, you're right! People with red color blindness see 1, and those with green color blindness see 3, and both of them see 3 instead of 8!

One more...

Can you see 12 and 9? People with red-green color blindness see 17 and 0.


Do you see anything? Look again. Still nothing? People with red-green colorblindness see 45! Crazy, right?

What's coming out of this image?

The number 503 is hiding in there! Did you spot it?

Can you see the numbers hiding among the red?

This one is pretty tough! Do you see 641?

Ready...what do you see?

What's that in this big green mess? It's 276! 

Nope, this isn't the ocean. Which number is hidden?

That's right, it's 84! 

Let's try something different:

Can you read this line, and possibly sing it?

Show this vision test to your friends and family if you recognize this song! 

Last but not least, can you read this word?

It's DALTONISM. If you can read it, you don't have it!

How is your vision? Was this super tough or totally easy? Show it to your friends and family and let us know your thoughts! 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!