Veteran Who Lost His Leg In Iraq Takes In 3-Legged Puppy: ‘It’s Impossible To Not Smile Around Him’

Sep 04, 2019 by apost team

A few people set out to go fishing in Burns, Tennessee at Johnson Creek. Instead of reeling in a prize fish, they stumbled on something even better – a small brown-and-white puppy.

The puppy was walking through the vegetation when he was spotted by the group. At just 6-months-old, the little dog had already suffered a tremendous loss. A large section of his back-right leg was missing. Jeremiah Wojnarowski, a local veterinarian who looked over the puppy, wasn’t sure what happened. He told WTVF 

"We're assuming that a dog might have chewed it off, he could have got it caught in something, it doesn't appear he got hit by a car or anything like that, but something pretty bad happened to him."

However, the puppy was very sweet and mild-mannered despite his painful situation. The Humane Society of Dickson County took in the little dog after he was treated for his injuries. Unfortunately, his leg was very badly damaged and would have to be amputated. His left leg was also in need of a great deal of care. Vivienne Akhdary, the general manager, quickly fell in love with him.

"What a little fighter. What a little trooper, to be so injured and just be so happy, and tail waggy, it's really amazing," she said to WTVF.  

The staff decided on the name “Scooter” for the cute little dog. Soon, get well messages started to pour in for the puppy. A Facebook post was shared from the humane society, prompting donations and well wishes to come in. The staff sent out their thanks to everyone who was able to donate and pray for the little puppy.

Scooter found a home on July 25, and the humane society was eager to share the good news. By then, his leg was healed and he was able to move in with his new family. The kicker to the story? His new owner is a retired vet who also lost a leg. 

According to WZTV, Joshua Ferguson survived a roadside bomb attack in Iraq during the Gulf War however he had to learn to live without one of his legs. He told WTVF,

"We survived, here we are, and I say 'we' because all 5 of us out on the truck lived which is pretty rare with that type of IED," Ferguson said, "There's silver linings to anything, you can find something, and even if you can't, somebody's had it worse!"

Ferguson also talked about what a joy it is to have Scooter in his life.

"He makes it easier for me to remember, hey it's still a beautiful day," Ferguson said to the station, "You realize really just how tremendous a journey life is. As tragic as his situation is, at best or at worst, I'm pretty frickin blessed," Ferguson said.

We are so glad these two found one another! Be sure to leave us a comment, and then pass this adorable story on to others!