Unfaithful GF Moves In With New Boyfriend But Doesn’t Realize Ex Has Prepared Nightmare For Them For Mere $100

Oct 10, 2021 by apost team

Going through a breakup is never easy, but the situation can be even worse when your partner was unfaithful during your relationship. One man went through this hardship after his girlfriend broke up with him over email and told him to pack his bags because her new boyfriend was moving in. The man was shocked, but still managed to get back at his ex-girlfriend before he left.

The entire situation began when the man's girlfriend left for a work trip. Before she even returned home, she emailed her boyfriend and told him that she had met someone else and the new man would be taking his place. He was forced to pack his bags, but before moving out, he put together an incredible prank that turned out to be a nightmare for his ex-girlfriend and her new boyfriend.

What the man did was purchase dozens of tiny noisemakers that let out sounds at random intervals. The sounds are inconspicuous, like a whistle or the sound of children laughing. The man took these sound makers and hid them all over his ex-girlfriend's house, car and boat so no matter where she went, the sounds would follow. 

This quickly made the woman and her new man feel like they were hearing things, and they began to worry about their mental health. After a short time, the new boyfriend broke up with the man's ex and she eventually decided to move out of the house as well. The man shared his story on Reddit so others could hear of his revenge. Keep reading to learn more about this incredible prank.

For Illustration Purposes Only - istockphoto.com/tomeng

The man began his story on Reddit by stating: "I did this to an Ex who asked me to move out while she was on a work trip and told me she was coming back with her new boyfriend, we were still together when she left." The woman's insensitive actions drove the man to seek out revenge.

He shared, "I got these little noise makers, battery powered ones the size of a quarter that emit sounds at just the right volume that you aren't sure if you really heard it, so quiet that two people could be sitting in an average sized room and while one can barely hear it the other wouldn't hear a thing. They last ages, and fit perfectly in light fixtures and in wall outlets. I got a box of 20 of them for like $100 on eBay."

The genius idea worked so well because of the randomness of the noisemakers. "They cycle noises like children laughing, a 'dying breath' as they called it, a whistle, scratching noises, some other ones I can't remember but you get the idea. It was so unpredictable it was near impossible for someone to just figure it out," the man wrote. 

He added, "Turns out her new boyfriend had only lasted a few months, and had left telling her that he couldn't handle whatever was going on with them and their mental states. Turns out for a while they had both heard things and sometimes only one would hear them, which gave the illusion that something really (wrong) with them was going on in their heads at different times."


For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) - istockphoto.com/Tero Vesalainen

The man knows that getting revenge isn't exactly taking the high road. "In some ways I'm not too proud of this, it was a long time ago and I was in a really dark place, the whole event just tipped me and I responded in a (nothing) to give state the best I could, by just being a menace. She also did it all through a short impersonal email that just sucked. I'm not saying that's all an excuse, just some context," he wrote in an update

Thousands of people liked the post on Reddit and many stopped to share their reactions. One commenter said, "Dude, on a scale of one to impressive. That's right up there with legendary. This has to be the most apt situation to happen to a cheater, screw with someone's emotions and said person shows you what emotional warfare is. the best part, they didn't even know a war was happening. 100/100 Prorevenge."

Another person shared: "Reminds me of the story of a lady who was going through a divorce. She spent her last night in her home eating a nice seafood dinner, and then taking the scraps (shrimp peels, fish bones and pieces, etc) and putting them inside of the curtain rods in each room."

They continued, "The next day she moved out and the husband's new girlfriend moved in shortly thereafter. And then the smell began. They couldn't locate the source so the husband eventually gives the wife the house as part of their settlement. Then he packs up all his (stuff) and moves out. Packed up everything. Even the curtain rods."

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) - istockphoto.com/Kemter

What do you think of this prank? Did the man go too far? Let us know your opinion and be sure to pass this on to your friends and family.

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