Two Puppy Brothers Left In Shelter Reunite After Four Months Because Of Special Adoption

Sep 03, 2020 by apost team

Having a sibling makes life a little less lonely for a rescue dog. Since shelters are such new environments, a familiar companion can make all the difference. The following dog brothers from Alabama are an excellent example of rescue siblings. Bentley was adopted in 2014, leaving Bentley's brother Bailey without a forever home.

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For Bentley and Brady, life in the shelter was probably pretty typical for rescue pets. They received good care and were likely surrounded by people who were dedicated to their happiness. As is the case with most shelter pets, they were waiting for a forever home.

The one main difference between this doggie duo and other shelter pets was that they were a sibling pair. In their case, the bond of brotherhood extended far beyond blood. The two played, ate, napped, and did everything together.

One October day, a woman came to the shelter. She visited with various shelter dogs, including the sibling pair. At the end of her time there, she adopted Bentley, as the video below explains.

Since the woman only adopted Bentley, Brady was still at the shelter all alone. While Bentley was getting used to his new home, Brady was left behind. Perhaps Brady would find a new home as well.

After about two more months in the shelter, it was Brady's turn to get chosen. A young couple — Bailey's owner's sister and her fiancé — arrived to look at rescue dogs and left with Brady. Brady was on his way to his forever home. After the car ride home, Brady was led out of the car.

He was wearing a leash so he wouldn't run away. It was time to meet the rest of the new family.

The day Brady found his forever family was already a happy occasion. The day, however, had one more surprise. After leaving the car, Brady's new people led him to his long lost brother, Bentley. Brady's new parents' sister and future sister-in-law had adopted Bentley just a few months ago.

At their reunion, the dogs cautiously sniffed one another. After a few moments, Bentley's tail began to wag when he recognized his brother. In a few more moments, Brady also realized he had been reunited with his brother.

Today, Bentley and Brady spend all their time together. They enjoy everyday activities such as meals, playtime, and nap time together. The pair also get treats and celebrate the holidays even though every day is a celebration when you have your family.

If you've ever been to a family reunion, you know some of the joy these puppies felt. Take a few moments and invite others to bask in your happiness by passing this story on and letting us know what you think!

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