Two Golden Retrievers Compete For Affection — But Both Will Win

Jul 10, 2020 by apost team

Tucker, a golden retriever, isn't about to let his friend Riley, another golden retriever, get all the attention. After all, Linda is his mom — Riley's just a visitor. That's why Tucker comes zooming along in this hilarious 2019 video to interfere every time he notices Linda giving Riley a little bit of love.

If this sounds like petty jealousy, that's because it is — with emphasis on the pet. 

The Battleground

It's a familiar story to everyone who's ever owned a pet, particularly if they've had more than one pet at a time. Whenever Tucker sees Riley in Linda's arms, he charges in to make sure his pal knows whose human that is. It can't be easy to act as a battering ram while still managing to shower his mom with zealous adoration, but somehow this pup manages to pull it off.

Puppy Love

No matter where Linda goes — the floor of the living room, her bed, the couch — Riley is always game for a snuggle. However, the moments of stolen affection aren't destined to last. Without fail, Tucker arrives on the scene just seconds later, determined to wedge himself between his human and this furry intruder. In the end, the cocky young resident always manages to win the fight — although in all fairness, Riley tends to throw in the towel before things get out of hand.

The interaction between Tucker and Riley is fascinating to behold. During these episodes, watch as Riley's face runs the gamut from lazy adoration to concern to resigned acceptance. Similarly, note how Tucker attempts to mask his jealousy with affection, even as he's using his body to create a fault line. At one point, Linda gets knocked over in the midst of the tussle, and Tucker takes a brief "time out" in order to check on her. After all, she's the one he's fighting for.

In spite of these struggles, it's clear that Tucker and Riley are good sports who enjoy each other's company. For her part, Linda finds an easy solution to the problem — shower both dogs with love and attention at the same time.

This hilarious and heartwarming example of puppy play is sure to brighten any animal lover's day. Be sure to let us know what you think about Riley and Tucker! Have your pets ever vyed for your attention? Let us know and pass this on to fellow dog lovers.