Two Artists Create Stunning Hats For Their Cats Made From Shedded Hair

Aug 20, 2019 by apost team

Japanese artists Ryo and Hiromi Yamazaki have made the best out of a messy situation. Instead of throwing away all of the cat hair that surrounds their home, they decided to make it into wearable art. Now, their three Scottish Fold kitties (Nya, Maru, and Mugi) all get to sport adorable cat hats.

The eureka moment came when Ryo found a clump of fur on the ground that looked like a hat. He quickly shaped it into a hat and plopped it right onto one of the cats’ heads, reports Design Boom. Now his wife Hiromi makes the adorable fashion pieces and Ryo takes beautiful photos of the little models.

The creations, which are called nukege hats (nukege meaning ‘shedded fur’ in Japanese) are posted to Ryo’s Instagram page and he has collected several so far. Little tiny berets, duck hats, lion manes, sheep antlers, and Samurai helmets don the heads of the three cute kitties that live with them in Tokyo.

Each creation takes about one bowl of fur to make, and in the spring and autumn molting seasons, the couple collect as much as they can. The older creations are also dismantled to make way for future hats.

What do you think about the little cat hats? Are they adorable or is it gross to create hats made out of fur? Let us know in the comments and show this to a cat lover in your life.