Twin Babies Hear Johnny Cash For First Time And Their Reaction Demonstrates They're Country Boys At Heart

Aug 05, 2020 by apost team

Reese and Levi are two twin brothers who love to dance. In 2012, they bounced to the beat in their Jolly Jumper baby exerciser as Johnny Cash music played in the background. They were in time with the beat and smiled throughout the song.

Twin Brothers Having Fun

As any parent of twins will tell you, twins love to have fun! Levi and Reese are no exception to this rule. The twin brothers laugh and smile side-by-side as they each adjust to living with their lifelong best friend.

The living room of the 9-month-old boys is filled with books, musical CDs, and a purple mesh container filled with toys. It also has a Jolly Jumper. This baby exerciser features elastic cords and supportive harnesses so babies can safely jump to exercise their legs.

Loads Of Fun

According to their father, the twins love bouncing around in their Jolly Jumper. They smile, laugh, and exchange mischievous glances while they’re in action. They also show rhythmic ability when jumping to the music.

The twins particularly enjoy the music of Johnny Cash. Every word dad said about their love for the legendary country artist was verified by one glance at the twins; they positively beamed as his music played in the background.

Bouncing To The Beat

On this occasion, the twins grinned from ear-to-ear as they became real-life rock stars in their own living room. Their choice of music? Folsom Prison Blues.

With a musical taste like that, only one phrase springs to mind: “Look out, mama (and papa)!” Hold on tight because life as their parents might be a bit of a rocky road. These twins are destined to prove that life is twice as fun as a twin.

Watch out world! With an appetite for such wild music, the twins' zest for living just might come to you. Spread the joy of seeing them or other bouncy babies in action. Have you ever seen babies dance like this?