Turning From A Career Woman Into A Stay-At-Home Mom

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

When you have a full-time job and make a nice income, it can be hard to make the choice to become a stay-at-home mom. Being an ambitious woman, staying at home all day is not as easy as it sounds. Caring for your children is amazing but it's a big commitment when you're used to working all day and building a career for yourself. 

Here's the story of a businesswoman who turned into a stay-at-home mom: 

What it was like for me


Being a career woman, I loved my job! Giving it up wasn't easy for me but I knew it was the right thing to do for me at that time. Staying at home sounds quite easy but actually, I went from working eight hours a day to being a mother who works 24 hours a day. It was definitely a back-breaking job, I didn't always get enough sleep and had an even bigger to-do list than before. 



At first, I felt like I wasn't contributing to the family, because I wasn't used to being home all day. For me, personal success was equated with financial success. It took me a while to get over those negative feelings and preconceptions I had about stay-at-home moms. I mean I had to, I was one of them now. 

What I learned


After a while, I realized that I was indeed still contributing to the family. I was the backbone of it! As stay-at-home moms, we may not contribute to the family's finances, but we do contribute in other ways. We prepare meals, wash clothes, and make sure our children know they are loved. And I gotta admit, seeing my children smiling up at me and being proud of them, makes me feel so much more successful than my paycheck used to.


This doesn't mean that my career became unimportant to me! I'm still passionate about it! At the moment it just feels right for me to focus on my children. It's the most beautiful feeling to bond with my children and to support them. But I know that I'll go back to work when my children are a bit older. Because even though I'm at home caring for my children doesn't mean my inner career woman disappeared! My ambition is still here!

Would you be willing to quit a successful career to become a stay-at-home mom? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to share this with all career women or stay-at-home moms you know!