Truth Hits Teen's Mom Out Of The Blue After She Sees The Piles Of Teens' Shoes On Her Porch

Jul 18, 2018 by apost team

Hearing the fun and laughter that happens when kids bring their friends over can be heart-warming. However, the mess that gets left can be a bit overwhelming at times! There are wet towels on the ground, pizza crumbs, empty cupboards, and shoes scattered everywhere.

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Heather Duckworth is no stranger to these feelings. She shared the fact that a lot of parents only have 18 summers with their children and as the end draws closer in her case, she is starting to feel much differently about all of the shoes all over her porch outside.

She says that those shoes mean that school is out and it is summer. They mean that there probably won't be any food left in the house. It is loud and chaotic and there are kids lounging on the couch, playing in the pool, or watching movies somewhere. Seeing those shoes means that her house is the designated place to hang-out for the day. She knows that there are kids all over the house, talking, laughing, and just enjoying the time that they have off in the summer!

She took a moment to pause and consider all of the shoes on her front porch one day. She realized that the kids who owned the shoes had been coming over to her house for over four years now. She thought about these kids and how they were in the same classes as her own for years and how they all played sports together. She thought about how she has watched them grow up alongside her own. But in the fall, everything changes. Those kids will be going their separate ways.

But for now, Heather told us that she will embrace the shoes and the mess and will be thankful for them. She will try to immerse herself in the moment before her children leave the nest for good. She says she is determined to treasure this “summer of shoes.”

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